Source code for fdi.dataset.eq

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from .serializable import Serializable

import logging
from import Mapping, Sequence, Set
from itertools import chain
from collections import OrderedDict
import array
import decimal
import datetime
import fractions
import sys
import hashlib

HASH_WIDTH = sys.hash_info.width // 8

if sys.version_info[0] + 0.1 * sys.version_info[1] >= 3.6:
    PY36 = True
    PY36 = False

# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.debug('level %d' %  (logger.getEffectiveLevel()))

[docs]class CircularCallError(RuntimeError): pass
[docs]def deepcmp(obj1, obj2, seenlist=None, verbose=False, eqcmp=False, brief=True): """ Recursively descends into obj1's every component and compares with its counterpart in obj2. Ways to test includes (in this order): * if they are the same object * type * ```__eq__``` or ```__cmp__``` if requested * state from ```__getstate__()``` * quick length * members if is ```Mapping```, ```Sequence``` ( tuple, set, list, dict, OrderedDict, UserDict ... ) * properties/attributes in ```__dict__``` * ```__eq__``` or ```__cmp__``` even if not requested Detects cyclic references. Returns ------- ``None`` if finds no difference, ```1``` if `brief is ```True``` else a string of explanation. :eqcmp: if True, use __eq__ or __cmp__ if the objs have them. If False only use as the last resort. default True. """ global DEEPCMP_RESULT # seen and level are to be used as nonlocal variables in run() # to overcome python2's lack of nonlocal type this method is usded # class _context: if seenlist is None: seen = [] else: seen = seenlist level = 0 def run(o1, o2, explain=False, v=False, eqcmp=True, brief=True): """ Paremeters ---------- :o1: object to be compared. :o2: object to be compared. :v: Prints out step-by-step comparison if set `True`. :brief: if not equal, return 1 if set `True` else returns an explaination. :eqcmp: use ```__eq__``` and ```__cmp__``` for comparison. Returns ------- ```None``` if equal. ```1``` if ```brief``` is ```True``` else a string of explanation why not equal. """ # # nonlocal seen # nonlocal level if v or not brief: from ..utils.common import lls, bstr id1, id2 = id(o1), id(o2) if id1 == id2: if v: print('These are the same object o1=%s ||| o2=%s.' % (bstr(o1, 20), bstr(o2, 20))) return None pair = (id1, id2) if id1 < id2 else (id2, id1) c = o1.__class__ c2 = o2.__class__ _context.level += 1 if v: print('deepcmp level %d seenlist length %d' % (_context.level, len(_context.seen))) print('1 ' + str(c) + lls(o1, 45)) print('2 ' + str(c2) + lls(o2, 45)) if pair in _context.seen: msg = 'deja vue %s' % str(pair) raise CircularCallError(msg) _context.seen.append(pair) if c != c2: if v: print('type diff') _context.level -= 1 del _context.seen[-1] return 1 if brief else ' due to diff types: ' + c.__name__ + ' and ' + c2.__name__ if issubclass(c, (int, float, complex, str, bytes, bool, datetime.datetime)): if v: print('find simple type') _context.level -= 1 del _context.seen[-1] if o1 != o2: return 1 if brief else ' due to difference: "%s" ||| "%s"' % (o1, o2) else: return None has_eqcmp = (hasattr(o1, '__eq__') or hasattr( o1, '__cmp__')) and not issubclass(c, DeepEqual) if eqcmp and has_eqcmp: if v: print('obj1 has __eq__ or __cmp__ and not using deepcmp') # checked in-seen to ensure whst follows will not cause RecursionError try: t = o1 == o2 except CircularCallError as e: if v: print('Get circular call using eq/cmp: '+str(e)) pass else: _context.level -= 1 del _context.seen[-1] if t: return None else: # o1 != o2: return 1 if brief else \ ' due to "%s" != "%s"' % (lls(o1, 155), lls(o2, 155)) if hasattr(o1, '__getstate__'): if v: print('Find __getstate__') try: o1 = o1.__getstate__() o2 = o2.__getstate__() except TypeError: logger.error('__getstate__ trouble') raise else: # no exception for __getstate__ r = run(o1, o2, v=v, eqcmp=eqcmp, brief=brief) del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 if r: return 1 if brief else ' due to o1.__getstate__ != o2.__getstate__' + r else: return None try: # this is not good if len() is delegated # if hasattr(o1, '__len__') and len(o1) != len(o2): if hasattr(o1, '__len__') and len(o1) != len(o2): del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 return 1 if brief else \ ' due to diff %s lengths: %d and %d (%s, %s)' %\ (c.__name__, len(o1), len(o2), lls( list(o1), 115), lls(list(o2), 115)) except AttributeError: pass if issubclass(c, Mapping): if v: print('Find Mapping') print('check keys') from .odict import ODict if issubclass(c, (OrderedDict, ODict)) or PY36: # r = run(list(o1.keys()), list(o2.keys()), v=v, eqcmp=eqcmp, brief=brief) else: # old dict or UserDict r = run(tuple(sorted(o1.keys(), key=hash)), tuple(sorted(o1.keys(), key=hash)), v=v, eqcmp=eqcmp, brief=brief) if r is not None: del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 return 1 if brief else " due to diff " + c.__name__ + " keys" + r if v: print('check values') for k in o1.keys(): if k not in o2: del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 return 1 if brief else ' due to o2 has no key=%s' % (lls(k, 155)) r = run(o1[k], o2[k], v=v, eqcmp=eqcmp, brief=brief) if r is not None: del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 return 1 if brief else ' due to diff values for key=%s' % (lls(k, 155)) + r del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 return None elif issubclass(c, (Set, Sequence)): if v: print('Find Set, Sequence.') if issubclass(c, Sequence): if v: print('Check Sequence.') for i in range(len(o1)): r = run(o1[i], o2[i], v=v, eqcmp=eqcmp, brief=brief) if r is not None: del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 return 1 if brief else ' due to diff at index=%d (%s %s)' % \ (i, lls(o1[i], 10), lls(o2[i], 10)) + r _context.level -= 1 del _context.seen[-1] return None else: if v: print('Check Set.') if 1: del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 if o1.difference(o2): return 1 if brief else ' due to at least one element in o1 not in o2' else: return None else: oc = o2.copy() for m in o1: found = False for n in oc: r = run(m, n, v=v, eqcmp=eqcmp, brief=brief) if r is None: found = True break if not found: del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 return 1 if brief else ' due to %s not in the latter' % (lls(m, 155)) oc.remove(n) del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 return None else: if hasattr(o1, '__dict__'): if v: print('obj1 has __dict__') o1 = sorted(vars(o1).items()) o2 = sorted(vars(o2).items()) r = run(o1, o2, v=v, eqcmp=eqcmp, brief=brief) del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 if r: return 1 if brief else ' due to o1.__dict__ != o2.__dict__' + r else: return None # elif hasattr(o1, '__iter__') and hasattr(o1, '__next__') or \ # hasattr(o1, '__getitem__'): # # two iterators are equal if all comparable properties are equal. # del _context.seen[-1] # _context.level -= 1 # return None elif has_eqcmp: # last resort if o1 == o2: del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 return None else: del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 return 1 if brief else ' according to __eq__ or __cmp__' else: # o1 != o2: del _context.seen[-1] _context.level -= 1 if v: print('no way') return 1 if brief else ' due to no reason found for "%s" == "%s"' % \ (lls(o1, 155), lls(o2, 155)) res = run(obj1, obj2, v=verbose, eqcmp=eqcmp, brief=brief) DEEPCMP_RESULT = res return res
[docs]def xhash(hash_list=None, seenlist=None, verbose=None): """ get the hash of a tuple of hashes of all members of given sequence. :hash_list: use instead of self.getstate__() :verbose: set to trace. """ if verbose is None: verbose = XHASH_VERBOSE # class _context: if seenlist is None: seen = [] else: seen = seenlist level = 0 def run(hash_list=None): _context.level += 1 ind = ' ' * _context.level hashes = [] if verbose: from ..utils.common import lls, bstr if 0 and verbose: print('entering id%d id%d lv%d len%d' % (id(_context.level), id(_context.seen), _context.level, len(_context.seen))) hlid = id(hash_list) if hlid in _context.seen: if verbose: print(ind + 'seen it') _context.level -= 1 del _context.seen[-1] return 0 _context.seen.append(hlid) if issubclass(hash_list.__class__, int): res = hash_list if verbose: print(ind + 'int "%s" -- %s' % (lls(hash_list, 20), res)) _context.level -= 1 del _context.seen[-1] return res elif issubclass(hash_list.__class__, (float, decimal.Decimal, fractions.Fraction)): res = hash(hash_list) if verbose: print(ind + '%s "%s" -- %s' % (hash_list.__class__.__name__, lls(hash_list, 20), res)) _context.level -= 1 del _context.seen[-1] return res elif issubclass(hash_list.__class__, (str, bytes)): # put str first so it is not treated as a sequence res = hash(hash_list) if verbose: print(ind + 'str/bytes "%s" -- %s' % (lls(hash_list, 20), res)) _context.level -= 1 del _context.seen[-1] return res elif issubclass(hash_list.__class__, (array.array)): hasher ='sha256', hash_list.typecode.encode('utf-8')) hasher.update(hash_list) res = int.from_bytes( hasher.digest()[:HASH_WIDTH], byteorder=sys.byteorder) # source = (hash_list.typecode, # hash_list.itemsize, # len(hash_list), # len(hash_list[0])) if verbose: print(ind + '%s %s %s' % (hash_list.__class__.__name__, lls(hash_list, 20), res)) _context.level -= 1 del _context.seen[-1] return res elif hasattr(hash_list, '__getstate__'): try: o = hash_list.__getstate__() except TypeError: logger.error('__getstate__ trouble') raise else: # no exception for __getstate__ source = chain.from_iterable(o.items()) if verbose: print(ind + '%s %s %s' % (hash_list.__class__.__name__, lls(source, 20), 'has __getstate__')) elif issubclass(hash_list.__class__, (Set, Sequence)): source = hash_list if verbose: print(ind + '%s %s %s' % (hash_list.__class__.__name__, lls(source, 20), 'is Sequence')) elif issubclass(hash_list.__class__, Mapping): source = chain.from_iterable(hash_list.items()) if verbose: print(ind + '%s %s %s' % (hash_list.__class__.__name__, lls(source, 20), 'is Mapping')) else: res = hash(hash_list) if verbose: print(ind + '%s %s -- %s' % (hash_list.__class__.__name__, lls(hash_list, 20), res)) _context.level -= 1 del _context.seen[-1] return res for t in source: if hasattr(t, 'hash'): h = t.hash() else: h = run(t) if verbose: print(ind + '> %s %s -- %s' % (h.__class__.__name__, lls(h, 20), h)) hashes.append(h) # if there is only one element only hash the element res = hash(hashes[0] if len(hashes) == 1 else tuple(hashes)) if verbose: print(ind + '%s %s -- %s' % ('RET', str(len(hashes)), res)) _context.level -= 1 del _context.seen[-1] return res return run(hash_list=hash_list)
class DeepcmpEqual(object): """ mh: Can compare key-val pairs of another object with self. False if compare with None or exceptions raised, e.g. objects that do not have items() """ def __init__(self, **kwds): super().__init__(**kwds)
[docs] def equals(self, obj, verbose=False, brief=True): """ Paremeters ---------- :verbose: Prints out step-by-step comparison if set `True`. Returns ------- """ r = self.diff(obj, [], verbose=verbose, brief=brief) # logging.debug(r) return r is None
def __eq__(self, obj): """ Paremeters ---------- Returns ------- """ return self.equals(obj) def __ne__(self, obj): """ Paremeters ---------- Returns ------- """ return not self.__eq__(obj) def diff(self, obj, seenlist, verbose=False, brief=True): """ recursively compare components of list and dict until finding equality or exhausting all ways of testing. :seenlist: a list of classes that has been seen. will not descend in to them. :verbose: Prints out step-by-step comparison if set `True`. :brief: if not equal, return 1 if set `True` else returns an explaination. Paremeters ---------- Returns ------- """ if issubclass(self.__class__, Serializable): if issubclass(obj.__class__, Serializable): r = deepcmp(self.__getstate__(), obj.__getstate__(), seenlist=seenlist, verbose=verbose, brief=brief) else: return 1 if brief else ('different classes') else: r = deepcmp(self, obj, seenlist=seenlist, verbose=verbose, brief=brief) return r
[docs]class EqualDict(object): """ mh: Can compare key-val pairs of another object with self. False if compare with None or exceptions raised, e.g. obj that do not have items(). """ def __init__(self, **kwds): super().__init__(**kwds)
[docs] def equals(self, obj, verbose=False): """ Paremeters ---------- Returns ------- """ if obj is None: return False try: if self.__dict__ != obj.__dict__: if verbose: print('@@ diff ' + lls(self.__dict__) + '\n>>diff \n' + lls(obj.__dict__)) return False except Exception as err: # print('Exception in dict eq comparison ' + lls(err)) return False return True
def __eq__(self, obj): """ Paremeters ---------- Returns ------- """ return self.equals(obj) def __ne__(self, obj): """ Paremeters ---------- Returns ------- """ return not self.__eq__(obj)
[docs]class EqualODict(object): """ mh: Can compare order and key-val pairs of another object with self. False if compare with None or exceptions raised, e.g. obj that do not have items() """ def __init__(self, **kwds): super().__init__(**kwds)
[docs] def equals(self, obj, verbose=False): """ Paremeters ---------- Returns ------- """ if obj is None: return False try: return list(self.items()) == list(obj.items()) except Exception: return False return True
def __eq__(self, obj): """ Paremeters ---------- Returns ------- """ return self.equals(obj) def __ne__(self, obj): """ Paremeters ---------- Returns ------- """ return not self.__eq__(obj)
[docs]class StateEqual(): """ Equality tested by hashed state. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """ Must pass *args* so `DataWrapper` in `Composite` can get `data`. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwds) # StateEqual
[docs] def hash(self, **kwds): return xhash(self.__getstate__(), **kwds)
def __eq__(self, obj, **kwds): """ compares hash. """ if obj is None: return False if id(self) == id(obj): return True if type(self) != type(obj): return False try: h1 = self.hash() h2 = obj.hash() except AttributeError: return False # print('hashes ', h1, h2) return h1 == h2 equals = __eq__ def __xne__(self, obj): return not self.__eq__(obj) def __hash__(self, **kwds): return self.hash(**kwds) __hash__ = hash
[docs]class DeepcmpEqual(): """ Equality tested by `deepcmp`. """
[docs] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """ Must pass *args* so `DataWrapper` in `Composite` can get `data`. """ super().__init__(*args, **kwds) # DeepcmpEqual
def __eq__(self, obj, **kwds): """ compares using `deepcmp`. """ if obj is None: return False if id(self) == id(obj): return True if type(self) != type(obj): return False res = deepcmp(self, obj, **kwds) return res is None equals = __eq__ def __xne__(self, obj): return not self.__eq__(obj) def __hash__(self, **kwds): return self.hash(**kwds) __hash__ = hash
DeepEqual = DeepcmpEqual