Source code for fdi.dataset.yaml2python

#!/usr/bin/env python3
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# from ..pal.context import MapContext
from ..utils.options import opt
from ..utils.common import pathjoin, lls
from ..utils.ydump import yinit, ydump
from ..utils.moduleloader import SelectiveMetaFinder, installSelectiveMetaFinder
from .attributable import make_class_properties
# a dictionary that translates metadata 'type' field to classname
from .datatypes import DataTypes, DataTypeNames

# from ruamel.yaml import YAML
# import yaml
from collections import OrderedDict
import os
import sys
import functools
from itertools import chain
from string import Template
from datetime import datetime
import importlib

import logging

# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger()
                    format='%(asctime)s -%(levelname)4s'
                           ' -[%(filename)s:%(lineno)3s'
                           ' -%(funcName)10s()] - %(message)s',
                    datefmt="%Y%m%d %H:%M:%S")

# make simple demo for fdi
demo = 0
# if demo is true, only output this subset.
onlyInclude = ['default', 'description',
               'data_type', 'unit', 'valid', 'fits_keyword']
# inlcude allVersions]
onlyInclude = None

# only these attributes in meta
attrs = ['startDate', 'endDate', 'instrument', 'modelName', 'mission', 'type']
indent = '    '
# extra indent
ei = ''
indents = [ei + indent * i for i in range(10)]

fmtstr = {
    'integer': '{:d}',
    'short': '{:d}',
    'hex': '0x{:02X}',
    'byte': '{:d}',
    'binary': '0b{:0b}',
    'float': '{:g}',
    'string': '"{:s}"',
    'finetime': '{:d}'

[docs]def sq(s): """ add quote mark to string, depending on if ' or " in the string. Parameters --------- Returns ------- """ if "'" in s or '\n' in s: qm = '""' if '"' in s or '\n' in s else '"' else: qm = "'" return '%s%s%s' % (qm, s, qm)
[docs]def get_Python(val, indents, demo, onlyInclude, debug=False): """ make Model and init__() code strings from given data. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ infostr = '' if issubclass(val.__class__, dict): infostr += '{\n' code = {} for k, v in val.items(): if debug:'KWD[%s]=%s' % (str(k), '...' if k == 'metadata' else str(v))) sk = str(k) infostr += '%s%s: ' % (indents[0], sq(sk)) if issubclass(v.__class__, dict) and 'default' in v: # as in k:v # k: # data_type: string # description: Description of this parent_dataset # default: UNKNOWN # valid: '' # v is a dict of parameter attributes istr, d_code = params( v, indents[1:], demo, onlyInclude, debug=debug) else: # headers such as name, parents, schema metadata... istr, d_code = get_Python( v, indents[1:], demo, onlyInclude, debug=debug) infostr += istr code[sk] = d_code infostr += indents[0] + '},\n' elif issubclass(val.__class__, list): infostr += '[\n' code = [] for v in val: infostr += indents[0] if issubclass(v.__class__, dict) and 'data_type' in v: # val is a list of column (and 'data' in x ) istr, d_code = params( v, indents[1:], demo, onlyInclude, debug=debug) else: istr, d_code = get_Python( v, indents[1:], demo, onlyInclude, debug=debug) infostr += istr code.append(d_code) infostr += indents[0] + '],\n' else: pval = sq(val) if issubclass(val.__class__, (str, bytes)) else str(val) infostr += pval + ',\n' code = pval return infostr, code
[docs]def make_init_code(dt, pval): """ python instanciation source code. will be like "default: FineTime1(0)" in 'def __init__(self...' Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ if dt not in ['string', 'integer', 'hex', 'binary', 'float']: # custom classes t = DataTypes[dt] code = '%s(%s)' % (t, pval) elif dt in ['integer', 'hex', 'float', 'binary']: code = pval elif pval == 'None': code = 'None' else: code = sq(pval) return code
[docs]def params(val, indents, demo, onlyInclude, debug=False): """ generates python strng for val, a parameter with a set of attributes val: as in ```name:val``` ``` nam: data_type: string description: Description of this parent_dataset default: UNKNOWN valid: '' ``` see get_Python Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ # output string of the data model modelString = '{\n' # source code for init kwds. code = None # data_type dt = val['data_type'].strip() # loop through the properties for pname, pv in val.items(): # pname is like 'data_type', 'default' # pv is like 'string', 'foo, bar, and baz', '2', '(0, 0, 0,)' if demo and (onlyInclude is not None) and pname not in onlyInclude: continue if debug:'val[%s]=%s' % (str(pname), str(pv))) if pname.startswith('valid'): if pv is None: pv = '' if issubclass(pv.__class__, (str, bytes)): s = sq(pv.strip()) else: # e.g. {(5,66):'fooo'} lst = [] for k, v in pv.items(): if issubclass(k.__class__, tuple): fs = fmtstr[dt] # (,999) in yaml is ('',999) but None from inhrited class foo = [fs.format(x) if x != '' and x is not None else 'None' for x in k] sk = '(' + ', '.join(foo) + ')' else: if debug:'%s: data_type %s format %s' % (pname, dt, k)) try: sk = fmtstr[dt].format(k) except TypeError: sk = '# Bad format string for %s: %s. Ignored.' % ( dt, k) logger.warning(sk) lst += '\n' + '%s%s: %s,' % (indents[2], sk, sq(str(v))) kvs = ''.join(lst) if len(kvs) > 0: kvs += '\n' + indents[2] s = '{' + kvs + '}' else: iss = issubclass(pv.__class__, (str)) # get string representation pval = str(pv).strip() if iss else str(pv) if pname == 'default': code = make_init_code(dt, pval) if pname in ['example', 'default']: # here data_type instead of input type determines the output type iss = (val['data_type'] == 'string') and (pval != 'None') s = sq(pval) if iss else pval modelString += indents[1] + '%s: %s,\n' % (sq(pname), s) modelString += indents[1] + '},\n' return modelString, code
[docs]def get_projectclasses(clp, exclude=None, verbose=False): """ return a `Classes` object that is going to give {class-name:class-type} from a file at gieven location. Parameters ---------- :clp: path of the mapping file. :rerun, exclude: from `Classes` Returns ------- The `classes.Classes` object. """ if clp is None or len(clp.strip()) == 0: return None if exclude is None: exclude = [] if '/' not in clp and '\\' not in clp and not clp.endswith('.py'): print('Importing project classes from module '+clp) # classes path not given on command line pc = importlib.import_module(clp) print( 'Imported project classes from %s module.' % clp) else: clpp, clpf = os.path.split(clp) sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath(clpp)) # print(sys.path) print('Importing project classes from file '+clp) pc = importlib.import_module(clpf.replace('.py', '')) sys.path.pop(0) return pc
[docs]def read_yaml(ypath, version=None, verbose=False): """ read YAML files in ypath. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- tuple nm is stem of file name. desc is descriptor, key being yaml[name] """ yaml = yinit() desc = OrderedDict() fins = {} for findir in os.listdir(ypath): fin = os.path.join(ypath, findir) ''' The input file name ends with '.yaml' or '.yml' (case insensitive). the stem name of output file is input file name stripped of the extension. ''' # make it all lower case finl = findir.lower() if finl.endswith('.yml') or finl.endswith('.yaml'): nm = os.path.splitext(findir)[0] else: continue fins[nm] = fin # read YAML print('--- Reading ' + fin + '---') with open(fin, 'r', encoding='utf-8') as f: # pyYAML d = OrderedDict(yaml.load(f, Loader=yaml.FullLoader)) ytext = y = yaml.load(ytext) d = dict(OrderedDict(y)) if 'schema' in d and float(d['schema']) < 1.2: raise NotImplemented('Schema %s is too old.' % d['schema']) if 'metadata' not in d or d['metadata'] is None: d['metadata'] = {} if 'datasets' not in d or d['datasets'] is None: d['datasets'] = {} attrs = dict(d['metadata']) datasets = dict(d['datasets']) # move primary level table to datasets, named 'TABLE_META' if 'TABLE' in attrs: datasets['TABLE_META'] = {} datasets['TABLE_META']['TABLE'] = attrs['TABLE'] del attrs['TABLE'] if verbose: print('Pre-emble:\n%s' % (''.join([k + '=' + str(v) + '\n' for k, v in d.items() if k not in ['metadata', 'datasets']]))) logger.debug('Find attributes:\n%s' % ''.join(('%20s' % (k+'=' + str(v['default']) if 'default' in v else 'url' + ', ') for k, v in attrs.items() ))) itr = ('%20s' % (k+'=' + str([c for c in (v['TABLE'] if 'TABLE' in v else [])])) for k, v in datasets.items()) logger.debug('Find datasets:\n%s' % ', '.join(itr)) desc[d['name']] = (d, attrs, datasets, fin) return desc, fins
[docs]def output(nm, d, fins, version, dry_run=False, verbose=False): """ Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ print("Input YAML file is to be renamed to " + fins[nm]+'.old') fout = fins[nm] print("Output YAML file is "+fout) if dry_run: print('Dry run.') ydump(d, sys.stdout) # yamlfile) else: os.rename(fins[nm], fins[nm]+'.old') with open(fout, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as yamlfile: ydump(d, yamlfile)
[docs]def yaml_upgrade(descriptors, fins, ypath, version, dry_run=False, verbose=False): """ Parameters ---------- :descriptors: a list of nested dicts describing the data model. :version: current version. not that in the yaml to be modified. Returns ------- """ if float(version) == 1.8: for nm, daf in descriptors.items(): d, attrs, datasets, fin = daf if float(d['schema']) >= float(version): print('No need to upgrade '+d['schema']) continue d['schema'] = version newp = [] for p in d['parents']: if p in ['Instrument', 'VT', 'VT_PDPU', 'GFT', 'GRM']: newp.append('svom.instruments.' + p) else: newp.append(p) d['parents'] = newp # increment FORMATV w = d['metadata']['FORMATV'] v = w['default'].split('.') w.clear() w['default'] = version + '.' + \ v[2] + '.' + str(int(v[3])+1) output(nm, d, fins, version, verbose) elif float(version) == 1.6: for nm, daf in descriptors.items(): d, attrs, datasets, fin = daf if float(d['schema']) >= float(version): print('No need to upgrade '+d['schema']) continue d['schema'] = version level = d.pop('level') md = OrderedDict() for pname, w in d['metadata'].items(): # dt = w['data_type'] # no parent_dataset yet if pname == 'type': v = w['default'] w.clear() w['default'] = v md[pname] = w md['level'] = {'default': 'C' + level.upper()} elif pname == 'FORMATV': v = w['default'].split('.') w.clear() w['default'] = version + '.' + \ v[2] + '.' + str(int(v[3])+1) md[pname] = w else: md[pname] = w d['metadata'] = md if 'datasets' not in d: d['datasets'] = {} output(nm, d, fins, version, dry_run=dry_run, verbose=verbose) else: logger.error('version too old') exit(-1)
verbo = 0
[docs]@functools.lru_cache def mro_cmp(cn1, cn2): """ compare two classes by their MRO relative positions. Parameters ---------- cn1 : str classname cn2 : str classname Returns ------- int Returns -1 if class by the name of cn2 is a parent that of cn1, 0 if c1 and c2 are the same class; 1 for c1 being superclasses or no relation. """ if cn1 is None or cn2 is None: __import__('pdb').set_trace() if not (cn1 and cn2 and issubclass(cn1.__class__, str) and issubclass(cn2.__class__, str)): raise TypeError('%s and %s must be classnames.' % (str(cn1), str(cn2))) if verbo: print('...mro_cmp ', cn1, cn2) if cn1 == cn2: # quick result return 0 c1 = glb[cn1] c2 = glb[cn2] if c1 is None or c2 is None: return None res = 0 if (c1 is c2) else -1 if issubclass(c1, c2) else 1 if verbo: print('... ', c1, c2, res) return res
[docs]def descriptor_mro_cmp(nc1, nc2, des): """ find if nc1 is a subclasss of nc1. cn1 : str classname cn2 : str classname Returns ------- int Returns -1 if class by the name of cn2 is a parent that of cn1 or its parent, 0 if c1 and c2 are the same class; 1 for c1 being superclasses or no relation. This is to be used by `cmp_to_key` so besides having to return a negative number if `mro(nc1)` < `mro(nc2)`, it cannot return `None` for invalid situations. """ if verbo: print('*** des_m_cmp', nc1, nc2) mc = mro_cmp(nc1, nc2) if verbo: print('**** mro_cmp', mc) if mc is None: if nc1 not in des: return 0 # no class definition # 0 for top level parents = des[nc1][0]['parents'] if len(parents) == 0 or len(parents) == 1 and parents[0] is None: return 0 if nc1 in parents: raise ValueError( nc1 + ' cannot be its own parent. Check the YAML file.') if verbo: print(f"***** parents for {nc1} found: {parents}") for p in parents: if p == nc2: # This is where parent-in-des case answered. # parent is subclass so nc1 must be nc2's subclass if verbo: print(f'{nc1} parent is {nc2}.') return -1 else: dmc = descriptor_mro_cmp(p, nc2, des) if dmc == -1: # parent is subclass so nc1 must be nc2's subclass if verbo: print(f'{nc1} parent is subc of {nc2}. d{dmc}') return -1 else: if verbo: print(f'{nc1} parent is not subc of {nc2}. d{dmc}') return 0 else: # nc1 is subclass or the same class. if verbo: print(f'{nc1} vs {nc2} => {mc}') return mc
[docs]def dependency_sort(descriptors): """ sort the descriptors so that everyone's parents are to his right. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ ret = [] # make a list of prodcts working_list = list(descriptors.keys()) if verbo: print('+++++', str('\n'.join(working_list))) working_list.sort(key=functools.cmp_to_key( functools.partial(descriptor_mro_cmp, des=descriptors))) if verbo: print('!!!!!', str('\n'.join(working_list))) return working_list while len(working_list): # examin one by one # must use index to loop for i in range(len(working_list)): # find parents of i nm = working_list[i] # 0 for top level p = descriptors[nm][0]['parents'] if nm in p: raise ValueError(nm + 'cannot be its own parent.') nm_found_parent = False if len(p) == 0: continue found = set(working_list) & set(p) # type_of_nm = glb[nm] # found2 = any(issubclass(type_of_nm, glb[x]) # for x in working_list if x != nm) # assert bool(len(found)) == found2 if len(found): # parent is in working_list working_list.remove(nm) working_list.append(nm) nm_found_parent = True break else: # no one in the list is nm's superclass # TODO: only immediate parenthood tested ret.append(nm) working_list.remove(nm) break if nm_found_parent: break else: # no one in the list is free from deendency to others if len(working_list): msg = 'Cyclic dependency among ' + str(working_list) logger.error(msg) sys.exit(-5) if verbo: print(i, nm, p, working_list) return ret
[docs]def remove_Parent(a, b): """ Returns the one who is the other one's parent. Parameters ---------- :a: a class name :b: a class name Returns ------- classname if found or `None`. """ if a == b: logger.debug('%s and %s are the same class' % (b, a)) return None tmp = "remove parent %s because it is another parent %s's" if issubclass(glb[a], glb[b]): # remove b logger.debug(tmp % (b, a)) return b elif issubclass(glb[b], glb[a]): # remove a logger.debug(tmp % (a, b)) return a else: return None
[docs]def no_Parents_Parents(pn): """ return a subset of class names such that no member is any other's parent. Parameters ---------- :pn: list of class names. Returns ------- list of non-parents. """ removed = [] for i in range(len(pn)-1): if pn[i] in removed: continue for j in range(i+1, len(pn)): r = remove_Parent(pn[i], pn[j]) if r: removed.append(r) if r == pn[i]: break for r in removed: # more than one r could be in removed. if r in pn: pn.remove(r) return pn
[docs]def inherit_from_parents(parentNames, attrs, datasets, schema, seen): """ inherit metadata and datasets from parents. :attrs: metadata descriptor of the child :datasets: datasets descriptor of the child :seen: a dict holding class names that the py file is going to import """ if parentNames and len(parentNames): parentsAttributes = {} parentsTableColumns = {} for parent in parentNames: if parent is None: continue mod_name = glb[parent].__module__ s = 'from %s import %s' % (mod_name, parent) if parent not in seen: seen[parent] = s # get parent attributes and tables mod = sys.modules[mod_name] if hasattr(mod, '_Model_Spec'): parentsAttributes.update( mod._Model_Spec['metadata']) parentsTableColumns.update( mod._Model_Spec['datasets']) # merge to get all attributes including parents' and self's. toremove = [] for nam, val in attrs.items(): if float(schema) > 1.5 and 'data_type' not in val: # update parent's parentsAttributes[nam].update(attrs[nam]) toremove.append(nam) else: # override parentsAttributes[nam] = attrs[nam] for nam in toremove: del attrs[nam] if 0 and parentsAttributes['type']['default'] == 'Oem_Nssc': __import__('pdb').set_trace() # parents are updated but names and orders follow the child's for ds_name, child_dataset in datasets.items(): # go through datasets TODO: ArrayDataset if ds_name not in parentsTableColumns: # child has a name that the parent does not have parentsTableColumns[ds_name] = child_dataset continue p_dset = parentsTableColumns[ds_name] # go through the child's dataset for name, c_val in child_dataset.items(): # child has a name that the parent does not have if name not in p_dset: p_dset[name] = c_val continue # p and c have dataset name in common if name != 'TABLE': # parameter in meta p_dset.update(c_val) continue p_tab = p_dset['TABLE'] _tab = {} # go through the child columns for colname, col in c_val.items(): # child has a name that the parent does not have if colname not in p_tab: _tab[colname] = col continue p_tab[colname].update(col) _tab[colname] = p_tab[colname] p_dset['TABLE'] = _tab else: parentsAttributes = attrs parentsTableColumns = datasets return parentsAttributes, parentsTableColumns
if __name__ == '__main__': print('Generating Python code for product class definition..') # schema version version = '1.8' # Get input file name etc. from command line. defaut 'Product.yml' cwd = os.path.abspath(os.getcwd()) ypath = cwd tpath = '' opath = '' dry_run = False ops = [ {'long': 'help', 'char': 'h', 'default': False, 'description': 'print help'}, {'long': 'verbose', 'char': 'v', 'default': False, 'description': 'print info'}, {'long': 'yamldir=', 'char': 'y', 'default': ypath, 'description': 'Input YAML file directory.'}, {'long': 'template=', 'char': 't', 'default': tpath, 'description': 'Product class template file directory. Default is the YAML dir.'}, {'long': 'outputdir=', 'char': 'o', 'default': opath, 'description': 'Output directory for python files. Default is the parent directory of the YAML dir.'}, {'long': 'packagename=', 'char': 'p', 'default': '', 'description': 'Name of the package which the generated modules belong to when imported during code generation. Default is guessing from output path.'}, {'long': 'userclasses=', 'char': 'c', 'default': '', 'description': 'Python file name, or a module name, to import prjcls to update Classes with user-defined classes which YAML file refers to.'}, {'long': 'upgrade', 'char': 'u', 'default': False, 'description': 'Upgrade the file to current schema, by yaml_upgrade(), to version + ' + version}, {'long': 'dry_run', 'char': 'n', 'default': False, 'description': 'No writing. Dry run.'}, {'long': 'debug', 'char': 'd', 'default': False, 'description': 'run in pdb. type "c" to continuue.'}, ] out = opt(ops) # print([(x['long'], x['result']) for x in out]) verbose = out[1]['result'] if verbose: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.DEBUG) else: logging.getLogger().setLevel(logging.INFO) ypath = out[2]['result'] cmd_tpath = out[3]['result'] cmd_opath = out[4]['result'] cmd_package_name = out[5]['result'] project_class_path = out[6]['result'] upgrade = out[7]['result'] dry_run = out[8]['result'] debug = out[9]['result'] # now can be used as parents from .classes import Classes # No bomb out if some target modules are missing. Classes.mapping.ignore_error = True # input file descriptors, files_imput = read_yaml(ypath, version, verbose) if upgrade: yaml_upgrade(descriptors, files_imput, ypath, version, dry_run=dry_run, verbose=verbose) sys.exit() # Do not import modules that are to be generated. Thier source code # could be invalid due to unseccessful previous runs importexclude = [x.lower() for x in descriptors.keys()] importinclude = {} # activate a module loader that refuses to load excluded installSelectiveMetaFinder() # include project classes for every product so that products made just pc = get_projectclasses(project_class_path, exclude=importexclude, verbose=verbose) spupd = pc.Classes.mapping if pc else {} glb = Classes.update( c=spupd, exclude=importexclude, extension=True, verbose=verbose) if pc else Classes.mapping # make a list whose members do not depend on members behind (to the left) sorted_list = dependency_sort(descriptors) sorted_list.reverse() skipped = [] for nm in sorted_list: d, attrs, datasets, fin = descriptors[nm] print('************** Processing ' + nm + '***********') modelName = d['name'] # module/output file name is YAML input file "name" with lowercase modulename = nm.lower() # set paths according to each file's path ypath = files_imput[nm].rsplit('/', 1)[0] tpath = ypath if cmd_tpath == '' else cmd_tpath opath = os.path.abspath(os.path.join(ypath, '..') ) if cmd_opath == '' else cmd_opath if cmd_package_name == '': ao = os.path.abspath(opath) if not ao.startswith(cwd): logger.error( 'Cannot derive package name from output dir and cwd.') exit(-3) package_name = ao[len(cwd):].strip('/').replace('/', '.') else: package_name = cmd_package_name"Package name: " + package_name) # schema schema = d['schema'] # the generated source code must import these seen = {} imports = 'from collections import OrderedDict\n' # import parent classes parentNames = d['parents'] # remove classes that are other's parent class (MRO problem) try: if parentNames and len(parentNames): parentNames = no_Parents_Parents(parentNames) except KeyError as e: logger.warning('!!!!!!!!!!! Skipped %s due to %s.' % (nm, type(e).__name__+str(e))) skipped.append(nm) continue parentsAttributes, parentsTableColumns = \ inherit_from_parents(parentNames, attrs, datasets, schema, seen) # make output filename, lowercase modulename + .py fout = pathjoin(opath, modulename + '.py') print("Output python file is "+fout) # class doc doc = '%s class schema %s inheriting %s.\n\nAutomatically generated from %s on %s.\n\nDescription:\n%s' % tuple(map(str, ( modelName, schema, d['parents'], fin,, d['description']))) # parameter classes used in init code may need to be imported, too for val in chain(parentsAttributes.values(), chain(col for ds in parentsTableColumns.values() for col in ds.get('TABLE', {}).values() ) ): print(val) if 'data_type' not in val: __import__('pdb').set_trace() else: a = DataTypes[val['data_type']] if a in glb: # this attribute class has module s = 'from %s import %s' % (glb[a].__module__, a) if a not in seen: seen[a] = s # make metadata and parent_dataset dicts d['metadata'] = parentsAttributes d['datasets'] = parentsTableColumns infs, default_code = get_Python(d, indents[1:], demo, onlyInclude) # remove the ',' at the end. modelString = (ei + '_Model_Spec = ' + infs).strip()[:-1] # keyword argument for __init__ ls = [] for x in parentsAttributes: arg = 'typ_' if x == 'type' else x val = default_code['metadata'][x] ls.append(' '*17 + '%s = %s,' % (arg, val)) ikwds = '\n'.join(ls) # make class properties properties = make_class_properties(attrs) # make substitution dictionary for Template subs = {} subs['WARNING'] = '# Automatically generated from %s. Do not edit.' % fin subs['MODELNAME'] = modelName print('product name: %s' % subs['MODELNAME']) subs['PARENTS'] = ', '.join(c for c in parentNames if c) print('parent class: %s' % subs['PARENTS']) subs['IMPORTS'] = imports + '\n'.join(seen.values()) print('import class: %s' % ', '.join(seen.keys())) subs['CLASSDOC'] = doc subs['MODELSPEC'] = modelString subs['INITARGS'] = ikwds print('%s=\n%s\n' % ('Model Initialization', lls(subs['INITARGS'], 250))) subs['PROPERTIES'] = properties # subtitute the template if os.path.exists(os.path.join(tpath, modelName + '.template')): tname = os.path.join(tpath, modelName + '.template') elif os.path.exists(os.path.join(tpath, 'template')): tname = os.path.join(tpath, 'template') else: logger.error('Template file not found in %s for %s.' % (tpath, modelName)) sys.exit(-3) with open(tname, encoding='utf-8') as f: t = sp = Template(t).safe_substitute(subs) # print(sp) if dry_run: print('Dry-run. Not saving ' + fout + '\n' + '='*40) else: with open(fout, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(sp) print('Done saving ' + fout + '\n' + '='*40) # import the newly made module to test and, for class generatiom, so the following classes could use it importexclude.remove(modulename) if cwd not in sys.path: sys.path.insert(0, cwd) importlib.invalidate_caches() logger.debug('sys.path is '+str(sys.path)) newp = 'fresh ' + modelName + ' from ' + modulename + \ '.py of package ' + package_name + ' in ' + opath + '.' if modelName.endswith('_DataModel'): # the target is `Model` continue # If the last segment of package_name happens to be a module name in # exclude list the following import will be blocked. So lift # exclusion temporarily exclude_save = importexclude[:] importexclude.clear() try: _o = importlib.import_module( package_name + '.' + modulename, package_name) glb[modelName] = getattr(_o, modelName) except Exception as e: print('Unable to import ' + newp) raise importexclude.extend(exclude_save) print('Imported ' + newp) # Instantiate and dump metadata in other formats prod = glb[modelName]() # [('fancy_grid', '.txt'), ('rst', '.rst')]: for fmt, ext in [('fancy_grid', '.txt')]: fg = {'name': 15, 'value': 18, 'unit': 7, 'type': 8, 'valid': 26, 'default': 18, 'code': 4, 'description': 30} sp = prod.meta.toString(tablefmt=fmt, param_widths=fg) mout = pathjoin(ypath, modelName + ext) if dry_run: print('Dry-run. Not dumping ' + mout + '\n' + '*'*40) else: with open(mout, 'w', encoding='utf-8') as f: f.write(sp) print('Done dumping ' + mout + '\n' + '*'*40) if len(importexclude) == 0: exit(0) Classes.update(c=importinclude, exclude=importexclude) glb = Classes.mapping if len(skipped): print('!!!!!!!!!!! Skipped: %s possiblly due to unresolved dependencies. Try re-running. !!!!!!!!!!!' % str(skipped))