HTTPpool: HTTP Pool Server and Client

HTTP Pool server provides a RESTful web interface to create, remove, read, and delete data items (usually products) in a pool running on a server. A remote data user uses a HTTPClientPool as an interface.

For developing


Install fdi. Copy the config file over

cp fdi/pns/ ~/.config/

To customize ~/.config/ modify these according to your system:

pnsconfig = dict(logginglevel=logging.DEBUG)
pnsconfig['baseurl'] = '/v0.9'
pnsconfig['base_poolpath'] = '/tmp'
pnsconfig['server_poolpath'] = '/tmp/data'  # For server
pnsconfig['defaultpool'] = 'default'
pnsconfig['node'] = {'username': 'foo',
                     'password': 'bar', 'host': '', 'port': 5000}
pnsconfig['serveruser'] = 'mh'

Note that above are for both the server and te client in this and the next steps.

Run the Server

To use the defaults in the config, just

make runpoolserver

The server can also be run by:

python3 fdi/pns/ --username=<username> --password=<password> [--ip=<host ip>] [--port=<port>] --server=httppool_server -v

Contents in [], like [--ip=<host ip>] [--port=<port>] above, are optional. <> means you need to substitute with actual information (for example --port=<port> becomes --port=5000). The username and password are used when making run requests.

Now you can use a client to access it.


Do not run debugging mode for production use. Password uses plain text for development.


The logging level of the server is set in the config file. The -v switch to runflaskserver used above will set the level to logging.DEBUG. Packages requests, ``filelock, and urllib3 are fixed to logging.WARN.

Test and Verify

To run all tests in one go

make testhttp

append T='-u <username> -p <password> [-i <host ip>] [-o <port>] [options]' if needed.

You can also test step-by-step to pin-point possible problems:

1. Server Unit Test

Run this on the server host to verify that internal essential functions of the server work with current configuration.

make test6

2. Local Server Functional Tests

test HTTP Client APIs

make test7

3. Standard functional pool test

make test8

Learn/Try the APIs and Build the Server

The APIs are documented in fdi/httppool/schema/pools.yml with OpenAPI 3. Run this to see and try out with Swagger API Docs when the server is running:

To build the server, de-reference the YAML file (so Flasgger 0.95 can handle it):

make de-ref

then run it make runpoolserver

For production deployment


Install fdi (see Installation and Notes for Developers). Copy the config file over

cp fdi/pns/ ~/.config/

To customize ~/.config/ modify these according to your system:

pnsconfig = dict(logginglevel=logging.DEBUG)
pnsconfig['baseurl'] = '/v0.9'
pnsconfig['base_poolpath'] = '/tmp'
pnsconfig['server_poolpath'] = '/var/www/httppool_server/data'
pnsconfig['defaultpool'] = 'default'
pnsconfig['node'] = {'username': 'foo', 'password': 'XXX',
                      'host': '', 'port': 9884}
pnsconfig['serveruser'] = 'apache'

where at least the IP needs to be modified if to run a server.

Then refer to these files to install/update wsgi or conf files

  • fdi/pns/resources/httppool_server.docker

  • fdi/pns/resources/

    then enable the site and (re)start the server:

sudo a2ensite httppool_server.conf
sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf
service apache2 --full-restart


The above are for both the server and the client when running pool functional test (test6) locally.

With Pre-made Docker Images

The following are for an apache2 deployment as a VirtualHost based a Ubuntu docker.

Follow instructuin in Dockers to pull or build the httppool server image.

Launch it:

make launch_server [PORT=xxxx]

Test and Verify Deployed Server

The following is for a deployed docker.

Roughly following te sane steps in Test and Verify except for the firsrt step.


Actually the first two steps can be skipped if the 3rd is successful.

1. Start

Run a shell inside the server after launching it:

make it

A /bin/bash will run and you will be at a shell prompt as the server user (apache). Type this to start the server process

service apache2 --full-restart

After a few seconds check to make sure there are apache processes from

ps augx

and you can get error message in JSON by

curl -i http://localhost:9885

2. Test Functions in the Docker

Now run the local tests:

  • first fdi internal,

  • then test6 for server local CRUD,

  • test 7 client,

  • test8 standard pool functional.

cd fdi
make test
make test6
make test7
make test8

The last three can be run by make testhttp.

3. Test from Outside the Docker

in the fdi directory where you built the docker image:

make testhttp

Make sure that from where you run the test, your ~/.config/ points to the correct ip and port.


You can watch live logging from nother terminal with:

make t

Clean up

Stop and remove the docker by make rm_server.

API Document