fdi.dataset.abstractcomposite 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ..utils.common import mstr, bstr
from .odict import ODict
from .listener import EventListener
from .datawrapper import DataWrapperMapper
from .composite import Composite
from .annotatable import Annotatable
from .attributable import Attributable

import logging
# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#logger.debug('level %d' %  (logger.getEffectiveLevel()))

[文档]class AbstractComposite(Attributable, EventListener, Composite, DataWrapperMapper): """ an annotatable and attributable subclass of Composite. Composite inherits annotatable via EventListener via DataContainer. """
[文档] def __init__(self, **kwds): """ Parameters ---------- Returns ----- """ super().__init__(**kwds)
[文档] def toString(self, level=0, width=0, tablefmt='grid', tablefmt1='simple', tablefmt2='rst', extra=False, matprint=None, trans=True, beforedata='', heavy=True, center=-1, **kwds): """ matprint: an external matrix print function Parameters ---------- trans: print 2D matrix transposed. default is True. ------- """ if not issubclass(level.__class__, int): raise TypeError('The first argument "level" must be %s not %s %s' % ('int', type(level).__name__, bstr(level, 20))) cn = self.__class__.__name__ if level > 1: s = f'{cn}(' s += 'META: ' + mstr(self._meta, level=level, width=width, tablefmt=tablefmt, tablefmt1=tablefmt1, tablefmt2=tablefmt2, excpt=['description'], **kwds) s += ' DATA: ' + mstr(self.data, level=level, excpt=['description'], tablefmt=tablefmt, tablefmt1=tablefmt1, tablefmt2=tablefmt2, matprint=matprint, trans=trans, heavy=False, **kwds) return s + ')' html = tablefmt == 'html' or tablefmt2 == 'html' br = '<br>' if html else '\n' if html: tablefmt = tablefmt2 = 'html' from .dataset import make_title_meta_l0 s, last = make_title_meta_l0(self, level=level, width=width, tablefmt=tablefmt, tablefmt1=tablefmt1, tablefmt2=tablefmt2, extra=extra, center=-1, html=html, excpt=['description']) width = len(last)-1 ds = list(f'"{x}"' for x in self.keys()) d = 'Total %d Sub-Datasets: %s' % (len(ds), ', '.join(ds)) if html: d = '<center><u>%s</u></center>\n' % d else: d = d.center(width) + '\n\n' # + '-' * len(d) + '\n' o = ODict(self.data) d += o.toString(level=level, heavy=False, center=width, tablefmt=tablefmt, tablefmt1=tablefmt1, tablefmt2=tablefmt2, matprint=matprint, trans=trans, keyval='SubDataset ', **kwds) return '\n\n'.join((x for x in (s, beforedata, d) if len(x))) + '\n' + last
string = toString