fdi.dataset.baseproduct 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Automatically generated from fdi/dataset/resources/BaseProduct.yml. Do not edit.

from collections import OrderedDict
from fdi.dataset.finetime import FineTime

from fdi.dataset.readonlydict import ReadOnlyDict
from fdi.dataset.abstractcomposite import AbstractComposite
from fdi.dataset.listener import EventSender, EventType
from fdi.dataset.eq import deepcmp
from fdi.dataset.copyable import Copyable
from fdi.dataset.history import History

from collections import OrderedDict
import itertools

import logging
# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[文档]class BaseProduct( AbstractComposite, Copyable, EventSender): """ A BaseProduct is the starting point of te whole product tree, and a generic result that can be passed on between processes. In general a Product contains zero or more datasets, history, optional reference pointers and metadata some required metadata fields. A Product is expected to fully describe itself; this includes the way how this product was achieved (its history). As it is the result of a process, it should be able to save to and restore from an Archive device. Many times a Product may contain a single dataset and for this purpose the first dataset entry can be accessed by the getDefault() method. Note that the datasets may be a composite of datasets by themselves. A built-in attributes in `Model['metadata']` ("MetaData Parameter" or `MDP`) can be accessed with e.g. ``p.creator``, or p.meta['creator'].value:: p.creator='foo' assert p.creatur=='foo' assert p.meta['creator']=='foo' p.meta['creator']=Parameter('bar') assert p.meta['creator']==Parameter('bar') ===== BaseProduct class schema 1.6 inheriting [None]. Automatically generated from fdi/dataset/resources/BaseProduct.yml on 2021-12-13 09:38:07.494042. Description: FDI base class data model """ def __init__(self, description = 'UNKNOWN', typ_ = 'BaseProduct', level = 'ALL', creator = 'UNKNOWN', creationDate = FineTime(0), rootCause = 'UNKNOWN', version = '0.8', FORMATV = '', zInfo=None, **kwds): # collect MDPs from args-turned-local-variables. metasToBeInstalled = OrderedDict( itertools.filterfalse( lambda x: x[0] in ('self', '__class__', 'zInfo', 'kwds'), locals().items()) ) global Model # instance variable for Model to be passed down inhritance chains. if zInfo is None: zInfo = Model # must be the first line to initiate meta and zInfo # :class: `Attributable` will process MDPs super().__init__(zInfo=zInfo, **metasToBeInstalled, **kwds) self._history = History() @property def history(self): """ xx must be a property for ``self.xx = yy`` to work in super class after xx is set as a property also by a subclass. """ return self._history @history.setter def history(self, history): self._history = history
[文档] def accept(self, visitor): """ Hook for adding functionality to meta data object through visitor pattern.""" visitor.visit(self)
[文档] def targetChanged(self, event): pass if event.source == self.meta: if event.type_ == EventType.PARAMETER_ADDED or \ event.type_ == EventType.PARAMETER_CHANGED: # logger.debug(event.source.__class__.__name__ + ' ' + str(event.change)) pass
[文档] def toString(self, level=0, tablefmt='grid', tablefmt1='rst', tablefmt2='rst', matprint=None, trans=True, beforedata='', **kwds): """ like AbstractComposite but with history """ h = self.history.toString( level=level, tablefmt=tablefmt, tablefmt1=tablefmt1, tablefmt2=tablefmt2, matprint=matprint, trans=trans, **kwds) s = super(BaseProduct, self).toString( level=level, tablefmt=tablefmt, tablefmt1=tablefmt1, tablefmt2=tablefmt2, matprint=matprint, trans=trans, beforedata=h, **kwds) return s
string = toString def __getstate__(self): """ Can be encoded with serializableEncoder """ s = OrderedDict( _ATTR_meta=getattr(self, '_meta', None), **self.data, _ATTR_history=getattr(self, '_history', None), _ATTR_listeners=getattr(self, 'listeners', None)) return s @property def description(self): pass @property def type(self): pass @property def level(self): pass @property def creator(self): pass @property def creationDate(self): pass @property def rootCause(self): pass @property def version(self): pass @property def FORMATV(self): pass pass
# Data Model specification for mandatory components _Model_Spec = { 'name': 'BaseProduct', 'description': 'FDI base class data model', 'parents': [ None, ], 'schema': '1.6', 'metadata': { 'description': { 'id_zh_cn': '描述', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Description of this product', 'description_zh_cn': '对本产品的描述。', 'default': 'UNKNOWN', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'type': { 'id_zh_cn': '产品类型', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Product Type identification. Name of class or CARD.', 'description_zh_cn': '产品类型。完整Python类名或卡片名。', 'default': 'BaseProduct', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'level': { 'id_zh_cn': '产品xx', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Product level.', 'description_zh_cn': '产品xx', 'default': 'ALL', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'creator': { 'id_zh_cn': '本产品生成者', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Generator of this product.', 'description_zh_cn': '本产品生成方的标识,例如可以是单位、组织、姓名、软件、或特别算法等。', 'default': 'UNKNOWN', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'creationDate': { 'id_zh_cn': '产品生成时间', 'fits_keyword': 'DATE', 'data_type': 'finetime', 'description': 'Creation date of this product', 'description_zh_cn': '本产品生成时间', 'default': 0, 'valid': '', 'typecode': None, }, 'rootCause': { 'id_zh_cn': '数据来源', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Reason of this run of pipeline.', 'description_zh_cn': '数据来源(此例来自鉴定件热真空罐)', 'default': 'UNKNOWN', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'version': { 'id_zh_cn': '版本', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Version of product', 'description_zh_cn': '产品版本', 'default': '0.8', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'FORMATV': { 'id_zh_cn': '格式版本', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Version of product schema and revision', 'description_zh_cn': '产品格式版本', 'default': '', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, }, 'datasets': { }, } Model = ReadOnlyDict(_Model_Spec) MdpInfo = Model['metadata']