fdi.dataset.indexed 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from itertools import count
from collections.abc import Sequence
import sys

[文档]class Indexed(): """ Abstract class with an index table for efficient records look-up. """
[文档] def __init__(self, indexPattern=None, **kwds): """ indexPattern: specifies which columns to use to do look up. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ self._indexPattern = [0] if indexPattern is None else indexPattern self._tableOfContent = {} super().__init__(**kwds) # initialize data, meta, unit
[文档] def getColumnsToLookup(self): """ returns an iterator that gives a number of sequences to looking up over. Default is a tuple of the ``data`` attributes of every columns specified by ``indexPattern``. To be overrided for different data model. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ # list of Column's arrays return [self.data[i] for i in self._indexPattern]
[文档] def updateToc(self, which=None, for_records=None): """ Build index in format specified in indexPattern for retrieving record. which: an iterator that gives a number of sequences to looking up over. Default is ``getColumnsToLookup()``. for_records: a list or a ``Slice`` of record (row) numbers. Those are changed records that caused updating. default is all records. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ # always rebuild all TODO: for_records = None self._tableOfContent = {} cols = self.getColumnsToLookup() if which is None else which ip = self._indexPattern one = len(ip) == 1 if for_records is None: # for all records itr = zip(cols[0], count()) if one else zip(zip(*cols), count()) elif issubclass(for_records.__class__, slice): # list of column's arrays for all slice records # range(sys.maxsize)[for_records] gives all valid record index numbers if one: itr = zip(cols[0][for_records], range(sys.maxsize)[for_records]) else: itr = zip(zip(*(c[for_records] for c in cols)), range(sys.maxsize)[for_records]) else: # for_records is a list # list of column's arrays for all listed records if one: itr = zip((cols[0][i] for i in for_records), for_records) else: itr = zip((tuple(c[i] for c in cols) for i in for_records), for_records) self._tableOfContent.update(itr)
@ property def indexPattern(self): """ Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ return self._indexPattern @ indexPattern.setter def indexPattern(self, *key): """ set the key pattern used to retrieve records. *key: as a list of integers. taken as column numbers. future look-up will search and return the record where a match is found in these columns. Example: a.indexPattern=[0,2] would setup to use the first and the third columns to make look-up keys. Default is the first column. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ lk = len(key) if lk == 0: self._indexPattern = None return # more than on column number tk = [] msg = 'Need integers or tuple of integers to specify look-up indices.' for k in key: if type(key) == int: tk.append(k) elif issubclass(key.__class__, Sequence): for k2 in k: if type(k2) == int: tk.append(k2) else: raise TypeError(msg) else: raise TypeError(msg) self._indexPattern = tk @ property def toc(self): """ returns the index table of content. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ return self._tableOfContent @ toc.setter def toc(self, table): """ sets the index table of content. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ self._tableOfContent = table
[文档] def clearToc(self): """ Clears the index table of content. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ self._tableOfContent.clear()
[文档] def vLookUp(self, key, return_index=True, multiple=False): """ Similar to Excel VLOOKUP, return all records (rows) that match the key. key: taken as a dictionary key unless ``multiple`` is True. return_index: if True (default) return index in the array of columns. multiple: if True (default is False) loop through key as a sequence of keys and return a sequece. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ if multiple: if return_index: toc = self._tableOfContent return [toc[k] for k in key] else: toc = self._tableOfContent cols = self.data # return [[c[toc[k]] for c in cols] for k in key] return list(zip(*([c[toc[k]] for k in key] for c in cols))) else: if return_index: return self._tableOfContent[key] else: rec_ind = self._tableOfContent[key] return [c[rec_ind] for c in self.data]
def __getstate__(self): """ Can be encoded with serializableEncoder Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ return OrderedDict( indexPattern=self._indexPattern, toc=self._tableOfContent )