fdi.dataset.odict 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from .serializable import Serializable
from .eq import DeepEqual, xhash
from ..utils.common import bstr

from collections import OrderedDict, UserDict
from pprint import pformat
import logging

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

# Depth of nesting of ODict.toString()
OD_toString_Nest = 0

[文档]class ODict(UserDict, Serializable, DeepEqual): """ Ordered dict that is not a subclass of dict and with a better __str__. """
[文档] def __init__(self, *args, **kwds): """ Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ super().__init__(*args, **kwds) self.__missing__ = None Serializable.__init__(self)
# @property # def listoflists(self): # return self.getListoflists() # @listoflists.setter # def listoflists(self, value): # self.setListoflists(value) # def getListoflists(self): # """ Returns a list of lists of key-value pairs where if the key is a tuple or frozenset, it is converted to a list. # """ # ret = [] # for k, v in self.items(): # if issubclass(k.__class__, str): # kk = k # else: # kk = list(k) if issubclass(k.__class__, (Collection)) else k # ret.append([kk, v]) # return ret # def setListoflists(self, value): # """ Sets the listoflists of this object. """ # def c2t(c): # print(c) # lst = [c2t(x) if issubclass(x.__class__, list) else x for x in c] # print('== ', lst) # return tuple(lst) # d = dict(c2t(x) for x in value) # self.clear() # self.update(d) # if 0: # for item in value: # kk = tuple(item[0]) # self[kk] = item[1]
[文档] def toString(self, level=0, keyval=None, **kwds): """ Parameters ---------- :level: default=0, :keyval: default=`None`. If set to a string, `ODict` class name is not shown and a label of given string is shown with each key as 'label key:\n'. :tablefmt: ='rst', tablefmt1='simple', tablefmt2='simple', matprint=None, trans=True, heavy=True Returns ------- """ global OD_toString_Nest # return 'OD' + str(type(self.data))+'*'+str(self.data) # return 'OD' + str(self.data) # return ydump(self.data) OD_toString_Nest += 1 label = '' if keyval is None else keyval d = '' if keyval else 'OD(' for n, v in self.data.items(): d += f'{label} "{n}":\n' if level < 2 else ' ' s = bstr(v, level=level, **kwds) d = d + s OD_toString_Nest -= 1 return d + ('' if keyval else ')')
string = toString
[文档] def get(self, name): """ Raise a ``KeyError`` to change the default behavior of colections.Mapping to quietly return a None when a key is not found in the dict. """ return self.data[name]
# res = super().__getitem__(name) # if res is not None or name in self.data: # return res # msg = '%s is not found in %s.' % (name, self) # logger.debug(msg) # raise KeyError(msg) def __getitem__(self, name): """ For collections.abc.MutableMapping. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ return self.data[name] def __setitem__(self, name, value): """ For collections.abc.MutableMapping. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ self.data[name] = value def __delitem__(self, name): """ For collections.abc.MutableMapping. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ del self.data[name] # def __repr__(self): # """ returns string representation with details set according to debuglevel. # """ # # return 'OD'+super().__repr__() # level = int(logger.getEffectiveLevel()/10) - 1 # return self.toString(level=level) def __getstate__(self): """ Can be encoded with serializableEncoder Parameters ---------- Returns ------- """ return OrderedDict( **self.data )
[文档] def hash(self): return xhash(hash_list=self.data.items())