fdi.dataset.product 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

# Automatically generated from fdi/dataset/resources/Product.yml. Do not edit.

from collections import OrderedDict
from fdi.dataset.baseproduct import BaseProduct
from fdi.dataset.finetime import FineTime

from fdi.dataset.readonlydict import ReadOnlyDict

import itertools

import logging
# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.debug('level %d' %  (logger.getEffectiveLevel()))

[文档]class Product(BaseProduct): """ Product class schema 1.6 inheriting ['BaseProduct']. Automatically generated from fdi/dataset/resources/Product.yml on 2021-12-13 09:38:07.593902. Description: Project level product Generally a Product (inheriting BaseProduct) has project-wide attributes and can be extended to define a plethora of specialized products. """
[文档] def __init__(self, description = 'UNKNOWN', typ_ = 'Product', level = 'ALL', creator = 'UNKNOWN', creationDate = FineTime(0), rootCause = 'UNKNOWN', version = '0.8', FORMATV = '', startDate = FineTime(0), endDate = FineTime(0), instrument = 'UNKNOWN', modelName = 'UNKNOWN', mission = '_AGS', zInfo=None, **kwds): """ Initializes instances with more metadata as attributes, set to default values. Put description keyword argument here to allow e.g. BaseProduct("foo") and description='foo' """ # collect MDPs from args-turned-local-variables. metasToBeInstalled = OrderedDict( itertools.filterfalse( lambda x: x[0] in ('self', '__class__', 'zInfo', 'kwds'), locals().items()) ) global Model if zInfo is None: zInfo = Model # print('@1 zInfo', id(self.zInfo['metadata']), id(self), id(self.zInfo), # self.zInfo['metadata']['version'], list(metasToBeInstalled.keys())) # must be the first line to initiate meta super().__init__(zInfo=zInfo, **metasToBeInstalled, **kwds)
#print(self.meta.keySet(), id(self.meta)) @property def startDate(self): pass @property def endDate(self): pass @property def instrument(self): pass @property def modelName(self): pass @property def mission(self): pass pass
# Data Model specification for mandatory components _Model_Spec = { 'name': 'Product', 'description': 'Project level product', 'parents': [ 'BaseProduct', ], 'schema': '1.6', 'metadata': { 'description': { 'id_zh_cn': '描述', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Description of this product', 'description_zh_cn': '对本产品的描述。', 'default': 'UNKNOWN', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'type': { 'id_zh_cn': '产品类型', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Product Type identification. Name of class or CARD.', 'description_zh_cn': '产品类型。完整Python类名或卡片名。', 'default': 'Product', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'level': { 'id_zh_cn': '产品xx', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Product level.', 'description_zh_cn': '产品xx', 'default': 'ALL', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'creator': { 'id_zh_cn': '本产品生成者', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Generator of this product.', 'description_zh_cn': '本产品生成方的标识,例如可以是单位、组织、姓名、软件、或特别算法等。', 'default': 'UNKNOWN', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'creationDate': { 'id_zh_cn': '产品生成时间', 'fits_keyword': 'DATE', 'data_type': 'finetime', 'description': 'Creation date of this product', 'description_zh_cn': '本产品生成时间', 'default': 0, 'valid': '', 'typecode': None, }, 'rootCause': { 'id_zh_cn': '数据来源', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Reason of this run of pipeline.', 'description_zh_cn': '数据来源(此例来自鉴定件热真空罐)', 'default': 'UNKNOWN', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'version': { 'id_zh_cn': '版本', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Version of product', 'description_zh_cn': '产品版本', 'default': '0.8', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'FORMATV': { 'id_zh_cn': '格式版本', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Version of product schema and revision', 'description_zh_cn': '产品格式版本', 'default': '', 'valid': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'startDate': { 'id_zh_cn': '产品的标称起始时间', 'fits_keyword': 'DATE-OBS', 'data_type': 'finetime', 'description': 'Nominal start time of this product.', 'description_zh_cn': '产品标称的起始时间', 'default': 0, 'valid': '', 'valid_zh_cn': '', 'typecode': None, }, 'endDate': { 'id_zh_cn': '产品的标称结束时间', 'fits_keyword': 'DATE-END', 'data_type': 'finetime', 'description': 'Nominal end time of this product.', 'description_zh_cn': '产品标称的结束时间', 'default': 0, 'valid': '', 'valid_zh_cn': '', 'typecode': None, }, 'instrument': { 'id_zh_cn': '观测仪器名称', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Instrument that generated data of this product', 'description_zh_cn': '观测仪器名称', 'default': 'UNKNOWN', 'valid': '', 'valid_zh_cn': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'modelName': { 'id_zh_cn': '样机名称', 'fits_keyword': 'MODEL', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Model name of the instrument of this product', 'description_zh_cn': '观测仪器样机名称', 'default': 'UNKNOWN', 'valid': '', 'valid_zh_cn': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, 'mission': { 'id_zh_cn': '任务名称', 'fits_keyword': 'TELESCOP', 'data_type': 'string', 'description': 'Name of the mission.', 'description_zh_cn': '任务名称', 'default': '_AGS', 'valid': '', 'valid_zh_cn': '', 'typecode': 'B', }, }, 'datasets': { }, } Model = ReadOnlyDict(_Model_Spec) MdpInfo = Model['metadata']