fdi.pal.productstorage 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from . import productref
from .poolmanager import PoolManager
from .productpool import ProductPool, makeLockpath
from .urn import Urn
from ..dataset.odict import ODict

import filelock
from weakref import finalize

import logging
# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.debug('level %d' %  (logger.getEffectiveLevel()))

[文档]class ProductStorage(object): """ Logical store created from a pool or a poolURL. Every instanciation with the same pool will result in a new instance of ProdStorage. """
[文档] def __init__(self, pool=None, poolurl=None, **kwds): """ Gets the storage "control pannel" for pool with specifed name. pool: if is a string will be taken as a poolname. if is a pool object will be registered with its name, poolurl: is sent to the PoolManager with poolname to get the pool object. """ if issubclass(pool.__class__, str) and ':' in pool: raise TypeError( 'First argument must be a poolname or a pool object, not ' + str(pool)) super(ProductStorage, self).__init__() self._pools = ODict() # dict of poolname - poolobj pairs self.register(pool=pool, poolurl=poolurl, **kwds)
[文档] def register(self, poolname=None, poolurl=None, pool=None, **kwds): """ Registers the given pools to the storage. """ if issubclass(pool.__class__, str) and poolname is None: pool, poolname = poolname, pool with filelock.FileLock(makeLockpath('ProdStorage', 'w')), \ filelock.FileLock(makeLockpath('ProdStorage', 'r')): if pool and issubclass(pool.__class__, ProductPool): _p = PoolManager.getPool(pool=pool, **kwds) elif poolurl is None and poolname is None: # quietly return for no-arg construction case return else: if poolname is not None and not issubclass(poolname.__class__, str): raise TypeError('Poolname must be a string, not ' + poolname.__class__.__name__) if poolurl is not None and not issubclass(poolurl.__class__, str): raise TypeError('Poolurl must be a string, not ' + poolurl.__class__.__name__) _p = PoolManager.getPool( poolname=poolname, poolurl=poolurl, **kwds) self._pools[_p._poolname] = _p logger.debug('registered pool %s -> %s.' % (str(pool), str(self._pools)))
[文档] def unregister(self, pool=None, **kwds): """ Unregisters the given pools to the storage. """ with filelock.FileLock(makeLockpath('ProdStorage', 'w')): if issubclass(pool.__class__, ProductPool): poolname = pool.getId() else: poolname = pool if PoolManager.isLoaded(poolname): # remove frpm pool manager res = PoolManager.remove(poolname) # TODO i dentify self # do this after del above del self._pools[poolname] logger.debug('unregistered pool %s -> %s.' % (str(pool), str(self._pools))) else: logger.info('Pool %s is not registered.' % poolname) return
[文档] def unregisterAll(self): PoolManager.removeAll() self._pools.clear()
[文档] def load(self, urnortag): """ Loads a product with a URN or a list of products with a tag, from the (writeable) pool. It always creates new ProductRefs. :return: productref if there is only one. A ```list``` of ```ProductRefs```. urnortag: urn or tag """ poolname = self.getWritablePool() def runner(urnortag): if issubclass(urnortag.__class__, list): ulist = list(map(runner, urnortag)) return ulist else: if issubclass(urnortag.__class__, str): if len(urnortag) > 3 and urnortag[0:4].lower() == 'urn:': urns = urnortag else: urns = self.getUrnFromTag(urnortag) ret = [] for x in urns: pr = productref.ProductRef( urn=x, poolname=poolname) ret.append(pr) return ret elif issubclass(urnortag.__class__, Urn): urns = urnortag.urn else: raise ValueError( 'must provide urn, urnobj, tags, or lists of them') return productref.ProductRef(urn=urns, poolname=poolname) ls = runner(urnortag=urnortag) # return a list only when more than one refs return ls # if len(ls) > 1 else ls[0]
[文档] def save(self, product, tag=None, poolname=None, geturnobjs=False, **kwds): """ saves to the writable pool if it has been registered. product: can be one or a list of prpoducts. poolName: if the named pool is not registered, registers and saves. geturnobjs: mh: returns UrnObjs if geturnobjs is True. kwds: options passed to json.dump() for localpools. Returns: one or a list of productref with storage info. """ if poolname is None: if len(self._pools) > 0: poolname = self.getWritablePool() else: raise ValueError('no pool registered') elif poolname not in self._pools: self.register(poolname) desc = [x.description for x in product] if issubclass( product.__class__, list) else product.description logger.debug('saving product:' + str(desc) + ' to pool ' + str(poolname) + ' with tag ' + str(tag)) try: ret = self._pools[poolname].saveProduct( product, tag=tag, geturnobjs=geturnobjs, **kwds) except Exception as e: logger.error('unable to save to the writable pool.') raise return ret
[文档] def remove(self, urn): """ removes product of urn from the writeable pool """ poolname = self.getWritablePool() logger.debug('removing product:' + str(urn) + ' from pool ' + str(poolname)) try: self._pools[poolname].remove(urn) except Exception as e: logger.error('unable to remove from the writable pool.') raise e
[文档] def accept(self, visitor): """ Hook for adding functionality to object through visitor pattern.""" visitor.visit(self)
[文档] def getHead(self, ref): """ Returns the latest version of a given product, belonging to the first pool where the same track id is found. """ raise NotImplementedError()
[文档] def getPools(self): """ Returns the set of ProductPools registered. mh: in a list of poolnames """ return list(self._pools.keys())
[文档] def getPool(self, poolname): """ mh: returns the pool object from poolname """ if poolname not in self._pools: msg = 'pool ' + poolname + ' not found' logger.error(msg) raise NameError(msg) return self._pools[poolname]
[文档] def getWritablePool(self): """ returns the poolname of the first pool, which is the only writeable pool. """ return self.getPools()[0]
[文档] def getAllTags(self): """ Get all tags defined in the writable pool. """ return self._pools[self.getWritablePool()].getTags()
[文档] def getProductClasses(self, poolname): """ Yields all Product classes found in this pool. """ return self._pools[poolname].getProductClasses()
[文档] def getTags(self, urn): """ Get the tags belonging to the writable pool that associated to a given URN. returns an iterator. """ return self._pools[self.getWritablePool()].getTags(urn)
[文档] def getMeta(self, urn): """ Get the metadata belonging to the writable pool that associated to a given URN. returns an ODict. """ if not issubclass(urn.__class__, str): urn = urn.urn return self._pools[self.getWritablePool()].meta(urn)
[文档] def getUrnFromTag(self, tag): """ Get the URN belonging to the writable pool that is associated to a given tag. """ return self._pools[self.getWritablePool()].getUrn(tag)
[文档] def wipePool(self): """ Clear all data and meta data of the writable pool. """ list(self._pools.values())[0].removeAll()
[文档] def select(self, query, previous=None): """ Returns a list of URNs to products that match the specified query. Parameters: query - the query object previous - results to be refined Returns: the set of return eferences to products matching the supplied query. """ ret = [] # search all registered pools for poolnm, pool in self._pools.items(): ret += pool.select(query, previous) return ret
def __getstate__(self): """ Can be encoded with serializableEncoder """ return OrderedDict(writablePool=self.getWritablePool()) def __repr__(self): return self.__class__.__name__ + '( pool= ' + str(self._pools if hasattr(self, '_pools') else None) + ' )'