fdi.utils.fetch 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ..dataset.deserialize import deserialize_args
from collections.abc import Mapping, Sequence
from operator import methodcaller
import inspect
import sys
from itertools import chain

[文档]def fetch(paths, nested, re='', sep='/', exe=['is'], not_quoted=True): """ Use paths to access values of internal elements of a nested python object. :paths: 1). If given as a string, the string will be splitted with `sep` into a list of strings, then go on to 2); 2). If given as a list of strings, its 0th member is to match one of the first level of nested attributes, keys, or method names. If the list was made in 1) the 0th member will be converted to an integer if possible. * if the 0th member is a string and can be parsed by :meth:`deserialize_args`, the result to used as te named method and its arguments. * if that fails, it will be taken as a string and check if there is a match in keys (members); * else search in attributes. :nested: a live nested data structure. :re: datapath representation for `nested`. Can be applied to reproduce the result. :exe: 1) A list of patterns which if found in the name of a method/function the matching method/function is allowed to run. 2) If one of the pattern is '*', all methods/functions are allowed to run. 3) If a pattern starts with a '-' then the matching method/function to the pattern ('-' removed) is not allowed to run (overriding previous rules. :not_quoted: the method-args string is not encoded with `quote`. """ if issubclass(paths.__class__, str): paths = paths.strip(' ').strip(sep).split(sep) from_str = True else: from_str = False if len(paths) == 0 or paths[0] == '': return nested, re p0 = paths[0] found_method = None # print('>>>> ', p0) if from_str: try: p0 = int(p0) except (ValueError, TypeError): # nested expects an integer pass # f'{p0} cannot be converted to an integer.').with_traceback(sys.exc_info()[2]) try: v0 = nested[p0] q = '"' if issubclass(p0.__class__, str) else '' rep = re + '['+q + str(p0) + q + ']' if len(paths) == 1: return v0, rep return fetch(paths[1:], v0, re=rep, sep=sep, exe=exe) except (TypeError, KeyError, ValueError): pass if not issubclass(p0.__class__, str): raise TypeError(f'{p0} should be a string, not {p0.__class__}.') # get command positional arguments and keyword arguments code, m_args, kwds = deserialize_args( all_args=p0, not_quoted=not_quoted) p0, args = m_args[0], m_args[1:] if hasattr(nested, p0): v0 = getattr(nested, p0) rep = re + '.' + p0 if inspect.ismethod(v0) or inspect.isfunction(v0): if '*' in exe: can_exec = True else: # TODO test can_exec = any(patt in p0 for patt in exe if patt[0] != '-') can_exec = not any( patt[1:] in p0 for patt in exe if patt[0] == '-') if can_exec: # assemble expression of keywords args from deserialize_args kwdsexpr = [str(k)+'='+str(v) for k, v in kwds.items()] # assemble positional and keywords args all_args_expr = ', '.join(chain(map(str, args), kwdsexpr)) # return execution results and path-representation # return f'{rep}({all_args_expr})', f'{rep}({all_args_expr})' # v0(*[], **{}) is not v0() ! res = v0(*args, **kwds) v0 = res rep = f'{rep}({all_args_expr})' # not executable if len(paths) == 1: return v0, rep return fetch(paths[1:], v0, re=rep, sep=sep, exe=exe) # not methods, attribute or member # if found_method: # return methodcaller(p0)(nested), rep + '()' # return found_method(), rep + '()' return None, '%s has no attribute or member: %s.' % (re, p0)