fdi.utils.getconfig 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ..pns.config import pnsconfig as builtin_conf

from os.path import join, expanduser, expandvars, isdir
import functools
import sys
import importlib

import logging
# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
#logger.debug('logging level %d' % (logger.getEffectiveLevel()))

[文档]class Instance():
[文档] def get(self, name=None, conf='pns'): if name: try: return self._cached_conf except AttributeError: self._cached_conf = getConfig(name=name, conf=conf) return self._cached_conf else: try: return self._cached_poolurl except AttributeError: self._cached_poolurl = getConfig(name=name, conf=conf) return self._cached_poolurl
CONFIG = None # @functools.lru_cache(8)
[文档]def getConfig(name=None, conf='pns', builtin=builtin_conf, force=False): """ Imports a dict named [conf]config. The contents of the config are defined in the ``.config/[conf]local.py`` file. The contenss are used to update defaults in ``fdi.pns.config``. Th config file directory can be modified by the environment variable ``CONF_DIR``, which, if not given or pointing to an existing directory, is the process owner's ``~/.config`` directory. name: if given the poolurl in ``poolurl_of`` is returned, else construct a pooluul ending with ```/{name}``` from the contents in dict <conf>config. Default ```None```. conf: configuration ID. default 'pns', so the file is 'pnslocal.py'. """ # default configuration is provided. Copy pns/config.py to ~/.config/pnslocal.py global CONFIG if CONFIG and conf in CONFIG and not force: config = CONFIG[conf] else: config = builtin epath = expandvars('$CONF_DIR_' + conf.upper()) if isdir(epath): confp = epath else: # environment variable CONFIG_DIR_<conf> is not set env = expanduser(expandvars('$HOME')) # apache wsgi will return '$HOME' with no expansion if env == '$HOME': env = '/root' confp = join(env, '.config') # this is the var_name part of filename and the name of the returned dict var_name = conf+'config' module_name = conf+'local' file_name = module_name + '.py' filep = join(confp, file_name) absolute_name = importlib.util.resolve_name(module_name, None) logger.debug('Reading from configuration file %s/%s. absolute mod name %s' % (confp, file_name, absolute_name)) # if sys.path[0] != confp: # sys.path.insert(0, confp) # print(sys.path) # for finder in sys.meta_path: # spec = finder.find_spec(absolute_name, filep) # print(spec) # if spec is not None: try: spec = importlib.util.spec_from_file_location(absolute_name, filep) #print('zz', spec) module = importlib.util.module_from_spec(spec) spec.loader.exec_module(module) sys.modules[module_name] = module # the following suffers from non-updating loader # importlib.invalidate_caches() # module = importlib.import_module(module_name) # modul = __import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), [var_name], 0) config.update(getattr(module, var_name)) logger.debug('Reading %s/%s done.' % (confp, file_name)) except (ModuleNotFoundError, FileNotFoundError) as e: logger.warning(str( e) + '. Use default config in the package, such as fdi/pns/config.py. Copy it to ~/.config/[package]local.py and make persistent customization there.') if CONFIG: CONFIG[conf] = config else: CONFIG = {conf: config} urlof = config['lookup'] if name is not None: #urlof = vars(module)['poolurl_of'] if name in urlof: return urlof[name] else: return config['scheme'] + '://' + \ config['node']['host'] + ':' + \ str(config['node']['port']) + \ config['baseurl'] + \ '/' + name else: return config
[文档]def make_pool(pool, conf='pns', wipe=False): """ Return a ProductStorage with given pool name or poolURL. ;name: PoolURL, or pool name (has no "://"), in which case a pool URL is made based on the result of `getConfig(name=pool, conf=conf)`. Default is ''. :conf: passed to `getconfig` to determine which configuration. Default ```pns```. :wipe: whether to delete everything in the pool first. """ if '://' in pool: poolurl = pool else: poolurl = getConfig(pool) # create a product store from ..pal.productstorage import ProductStorage pstore = ProductStorage(poolurl=poolurl) if wipe: logger.info('Wiping %s...' % str(pstore)) pstore.wipePool() # pstore.getPool(pstore.getPools()[0]).removeAll() # see what is in it. # print(pstore) return pstore