fdi.utils.options 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import getopt
import sys

import logging
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.debug('level %d' % (logger.getEffectiveLevel()))

[文档]def opt(ops, argv=None): """ Example: ops = [ {'long':'help', 'char':'h', 'default': false, 'description':'print help'}, {'long':'verbose', 'char':'v', 'default': false, 'description':'print info'}, {'long':'username=', 'char':'u', 'default': 'foo', 'description':'non-empty user name/ID'}, {'long':'password=', 'char':'p', 'default': 'bar', 'description':'password'}, {'long':'host=', 'char':'i', 'default': '', 'description':'host IP/name'}, {'long':'port=', 'char':'o', 'default': 5000, 'description':'port number'} ] Optionly use 'OPTSTART' in command line to start options an have ppreceeding ones ignored. Useful when application is invoked with other options, e.g. by pytest argv: if provided will be used in plsce of sys.argv. """ if argv is None: argv = sys.argv #logger.debug('Input: %s' % ops) #stoken = 'OPTSTART' #sidx = argv.index(stoken) if stoken in argv else len(argv) # this will skip the executable's name at 0 sidx = 0 msg = 'Specify:\n'+''.join('%s (-%s or --%s) Default=%s\n\n' % (i['description'], i['char'], i['long'], i['default']) for i in ops) # "hu:p:i:o:v" fmt = ''.join((i['char']+':' if i['long'].endswith('=') else i['char'] for i in ops)) try: opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv[sidx+1:], fmt, [ i['long'] for i in ops]) except getopt.GetoptError as err: # print help information and exit: # will print something like "option -a not recognized" logger.error(str(err) + 'Received: ' + str(argv)) sys.exit(2) logger.debug('Command line options %s args %s' % (opts, args)) for i in ops: switches = ('-'+i['char'], '--'+i['long'].replace('=', '')) i['result'] = i['default'] for o, a in opts: if o in switches: if i['long'].endswith('='): i['result'] = (i['default'].__class__)(a.lstrip().strip()) else: i['result'] = True if i['long'] == 'help': print(msg) sys.exit(0) # logger.debug(str(ops)) return ops