fdi.utils.tofits 源代码

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from .fits_kw import FITS_KEYWORDS, getFitsKw
from ..dataset.arraydataset import ArrayDataset
from ..dataset.tabledataset import TableDataset
from ..dataset.dataset import CompositeDataset
from ..dataset.dataset import Dataset
from ..dataset.datatypes import DataTypes
from ..dataset.baseproduct import BaseProduct
from ..dataset.dateparameter import DateParameter
from ..dataset.stringparameter import StringParameter
from ..dataset.numericparameter import NumericParameter, BooleanParameter
from ..dataset.datatypes import Vector

import os
from collections.abc import Sequence
import io

    import numpy as np
    from astropy.io import fits
    from astropy.table import Table
    from astropy.table import Column
except ImportError:

debug = False
typecode2np = {
    "b": np.int8,    # signed char
    "B": np.uint8,   # unsigned char
    "u": np.str,     # string
    "h": np.int16,   # signed short
    "H": np.uint16,  # unsigned integer
    "i": np.int16,   # signed integer
    "I": np.uint16,  # unsigned integer
    "l": np.int32,   # signed long
    "L": np.uint32,  # unsigned long
    "q": np.int64,   # signed long long
    "Q": np.uint64,  # unsigned long long
    "f": np.float32,  # float
    "d": np.float64,   # double
    "c": np.complex64,  # complex
    "c128": np.complex128,  # complex 128 b
    "t": np.bool       # truth value

[文档]def main(): fitsdir = '/Users/jia/desktop/vtse_out/' if os.path.exists(fitsdir + 'array.fits'): os.remove(fitsdir + 'array.fits') ima = ArrayDataset(data=[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]], description='a') imb = ArrayDataset(data=[[1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8], [ 1, 2, 3, 4], [5, 6, 7, 8]], description='b') # im=[[1,2,3,4],[5,6,7,8]] hdul = fits.HDUList() fits_dataset(hdul, [ima, imb])
[文档]def toFits(data, file='', **kwds): """convert dataset to FITS. :data: a list of Dataset or a BaseProduct. :file: '' for returning fits stream. string for file name. default ''. """ # __import__('pdb').set_trace() hdul = fits.HDUList() hdul.append(fits.PrimaryHDU()) if issubclass(data.__class__, (ArrayDataset, TableDataset, CompositeDataset, BaseProduct)): hdul = fits_dataset(hdul, data.values(), list(data.keys())) # __import__('pdb').set_trace() add_header(data.meta, hdul[0].header) elif issubclass(data.__class__, Sequence) and \ issubclass(data[0].__class__, (ArrayDataset, TableDataset, CompositeDataset)): hdul = fits_dataset(hdul, data) else: raise TypeError( 'Making FITS needs a dataset or a product, or a Sequence of them.') if file: hdul.writeto(file, **kwds) return hdul elif file == '': with io.BytesIO() as iob: hdul.writeto(iob, **kwds) fits_im = iob.getvalue() return fits_im else: return hdul
[文档]def fits_dataset(hdul, dataset_list, name_list=None): if name_list is None: name_list = [] for n, ima in enumerate(dataset_list): header = fits.Header() if issubclass(ima.__class__, ArrayDataset): a = np.array(ima) header = add_header(ima.meta, header) ename = ima.__class__.__name__ if len( name_list) == 0 else name_list[n] header['EXTNAME'] = ename hdul.append(fits.ImageHDU(a, header=header)) elif issubclass(ima.__class__, TableDataset): t = Table() for name, col in ima.items(): tname = typecode2np['u' if col.typecode == 'UNKNOWN' else col.typecode] if debug: print('tname:', tname) c = Column(data=col.data, name=name, dtype=tname, shape=( ), length=0, description=col.description, unit=col.unit, format=None, meta=None, copy=False, copy_indices=True) t.add_column(c) header = add_header(ima.meta, header) ename = ima.__class__.__name__ if len( name_list) == 0 else name_list[n] header['EXTNAME'] = ename hdul.append(fits.BinTableHDU(t, header=header)) elif issubclass(ima.__class__, CompositeDataset): header = add_header(ima.meta, header) hdul.append(fits.BinTableHDU(Table(), header=header)) for name, dlist in ima.items(): print('dlist', dlist.__class__) fits_dataset(hdul, [dlist], name_list=[name]) if debug: print("****", len(hdul)) return hdul
#hdul.writeto(fitsdir + 'array.fits') # f = fits.open(fitsdir + 'array.fits') # print(len(f)) #h1 = f[0].header #h2 = f[1].header # print(h2) # return h1
[文档]def add_header(meta, header): """ """ for name, param in meta.items(): pval = param.value if pval is None: v = fits.card.Undefined() kw = getFitsKw(name) header[kw] = (v, param.description) elif issubclass(param.__class__, DateParameter): value = pval.isoutc() if pval.tai else fits.card.Undefined() kw = getFitsKw(name) header[kw] = (value, param.description) elif issubclass(param.__class__, NumericParameter): if issubclass(pval.__class__, Vector): for i, com in enumerate(pval.components): kw = getFitsKw(name, ndigits=1)+str(i) header[kw] = (com, param.description+str(i)) if debug: print(kw, com) else: kw = getFitsKw(name) header[kw] = (pval, param.description) elif issubclass(param.__class__, StringParameter): kw = getFitsKw(name) if pval == 'UNKNOWN': v = fits.card.Undefined() else: v = pval header[kw] = (v, param.description) elif issubclass(param.__class__, BooleanParameter): kw = getFitsKw(name) v = 'T' if pval else 'F' header[kw] = (v, param.description) else: kw = getFitsKw(name) v = fits.card.Undefined() header[kw] = (v, '%s of unknown type' % str(pval)) if debug: print('***', header) return header
[文档]def fits_header(): fitsdir = '/Users/jia/desktop/vtse_out/' f = fits.open(fitsdir + 'array.fits') h = f[0].header #h.set('add','header','add a header') h['add'] = ('header', 'add a header') h['test'] = ('123', 'des') f.close() return h
[文档]def test_fits_kw(h): # print(h) print(list(h.keys())) #assert FITS_KEYWORDS['CUNIT'] == 'cunit' assert getFitsKw(list(h.keys())[0]) == 'SIMPLE' assert getFitsKw(list(h.keys())[3]) == 'NAXIS1'
if __name__ == '__main__': # test_fits_kw(fits_data()) main()