========================================= **HTTPpool**: HTTP Pool Server and Client ========================================= .. contents:: Table of Contents :depth: 3 HTTP Pool server provides a RESTful web interface to create, remove, read, and delete data items (usually products) in a pool running on a server. A remote data user uses a HTTPClientPool as an interface. For developing ============== Configuration ------------- Install fdi. Copy the config file over .. code-block:: shell cp fdi/pns/config.py ~/.config/pnslocal.py To customize ``~/.config/pnslocal.py`` modify these according to your system: .. code-block:: pnsconfig = dict(logginglevel=logging.DEBUG) pnsconfig['baseurl'] = '/v0.9' pnsconfig['base_poolpath'] = '/tmp' pnsconfig['server_poolpath'] = '/tmp/data' # For server pnsconfig['defaultpool'] = 'default' pnsconfig['node'] = {'username': 'foo', 'password': 'bar', 'host': '', 'port': 5000} pnsconfig['serveruser'] = 'mh' Note that above are for both the server and te client in this and the next steps. Run the Server -------------- To use the defaults in the config, just .. code-block:: shell make runpoolserver The server can also be run by: .. code-block:: shell python3 fdi/pns/runflaskserver.py --username= --password= [--ip=] [--port=] --server=httppool_server -v Contents in ``[]``, like ``[--ip=] [--port=]`` above, are optional. ``<>`` means you need to substitute with actual information (for example ``--port=`` becomes ``--port=5000``). The username and password are used when making run requests. Now you can use a client to access it. .. warning:: Do not run debugging mode for production use. Password uses plain text for development. .. note:: The logging level of the server is set in the config file. The ``-v`` switch to ``runflaskserver`` used above will set the level to ``logging.DEBUG``. Packages ``requests, ``filelock``, and ``urllib3`` are fixed to ``logging.WARN``. Test and Verify --------------- To run all tests in one go !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. code-block:: shell make testhttp append ``T='-u -p [-i ] [-o ] [options]'`` if needed. You can also test step-by-step to pin-point possible problems: 1. Server Unit Test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Run this on the server host to verify that internal essential functions of the server work with current configuration. .. code-block:: shell make test6 2. Local Server Functional Tests !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! test HTTP Client APIs .. code-block:: shell make test7 3. Standard functional pool test !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! .. code-block:: shell make test8 Learn/Try the APIs and Build the Server ======================================= The APIs are documented in `fdi/httppool/schema/pools.yml` with OpenAPI 3. Run this to see and try out with Swagger API Docs when the server is running: .. code-block:: shell To build the server, de-reference the YAML file (so Flasgger 0.95 can handle it): .. code-block:: shell make de-ref then run it ``make runpoolserver`` For production deployment ========================= Manually -------- Install fdi (see :doc:`installation`). Copy the config file over .. code-block:: shell cp fdi/pns/config.py ~/.config/pnslocal.py To customize ``~/.config/pnslocal.py`` modify these according to your system: .. code-block:: pnsconfig = dict(logginglevel=logging.DEBUG) pnsconfig['baseurl'] = '/v0.9' pnsconfig['base_poolpath'] = '/tmp' pnsconfig['server_poolpath'] = '/var/www/httppool_server/data' pnsconfig['defaultpool'] = 'default' pnsconfig['node'] = {'username': 'foo', 'password': 'XXX', 'host': '', 'port': 9884} pnsconfig['serveruser'] = 'apache' where at least the IP needs to be modified if to run a server. Then refer to these files to install/update wsgi or conf files * ``fdi/pns/resources/httppool_server.docker`` * ``fdi/pns/resources/httppool_server_entrypoint.sh`` then enable the site and (re)start the server: .. code-block:: shell sudo a2ensite httppool_server.conf sudo a2dissite 000-default.conf service apache2 --full-restart .. note:: The above are for both the server and the client when running pool functional test (``test6``) locally. With Pre-made Docker Images --------------------------- The following are for an ``apache2`` deployment as a ``VirtualHost`` based a Ubuntu docker. Follow instructuin in :doc:`dockers` to pull or build the ``httppool`` server image. Launch it: .. code-block:: shell make launch_server [PORT=xxxx] Test and Verify Deployed Server ------------------------------- The following is for a deployed docker. Roughly following te sane steps in `Test and Verify`_ except for the firsrt step. .. tip:: Actually the first two steps can be skipped if the 3rd is successful. 1. Start !!!!!!!! Run a shell inside the server after launching it: .. code-block:: shell make it A ``/bin/bash`` will run and you will be at a shell prompt as the server user (``apache``). Type this to start the server process .. code-block:: shell service apache2 --full-restart After a few seconds check to make sure there are `apache` processes from .. code-block:: shell ps augx and you can get error message in JSON by .. code-block:: shell curl -i http://localhost:9885 2. Test Functions in the Docker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Now run the local tests: * first fdi internal, * then test6 for server local CRUD, * test 7 client, * test8 standard pool functional. .. code-block:: shell cd fdi make test make test6 make test7 make test8 The last three can be run by ``make testhttp``. 3. Test from Outside the Docker !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! in the fdi directory where you built the docker image: .. code-block:: shell make testhttp Make sure that from where you run the test, your ``~/.config/pnslocal.py`` points to the correct ip and port. .. tip:: You can watch live logging from nother terminal with: .. code-block:: shell make t Clean up -------- Stop and remove the docker by ``make rm_server``. API Document ============ TBW