Source code for fdi.dataset.classes

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from ..utils.common import trbk
from ..utils.moduleloader import SelectiveMetaFinder, installSelectiveMetaFinder
from .namespace import Load_Failed, NameSpace_meta

import builtins
from collections import ChainMap
import sys
import logging
import copy
import importlib
from functools import lru_cache

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:  # + 0.1 * sys.version_info[1] >= 3.3:
    PY3 = True
    PY3 = False

# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.debug('level %d' %  (logger.getEffectiveLevel()))

''' Note: this has to be in a different file where other interface
classes are defined to avoid circular dependency (such as ,

# modules and classes to import from them

Modules_Classes = {
    'fdi.dataset.deserialize': ['deserialize'],
    'fdi.dataset.listener': ['ListenerSet'],
    'fdi.dataset.serializable': ['Serializable'],
    'fdi.dataset.eq': ['DeepEqual'],
    'fdi.dataset.odict': ['ODict'],
    'fdi.dataset.finetime': ['FineTime', 'FineTime1', 'utcobj'],
    'fdi.dataset.history': ['History'],
    'fdi.dataset.baseproduct': ['BaseProduct'],
    'fdi.dataset.product': ['Product'],
    'fdi.dataset.browseproduct': ['BrowseProduct'],
    'fdi.dataset.testproducts': ['TP', 'TP_0X', 'TB', 'TC', 'TCC', 'TM', 'SP', 'DemoProduct'],
    'fdi.dataset.datatypes': ['Vector', 'Vector2D', 'Vector3D', 'Quaternion'],
    'fdi.dataset.metadata': ['AbstractParameter', 'Parameter', 'MetaData'],
    'fdi.dataset.numericparameter': ['NumericParameter', 'BooleanParameter'],
    'fdi.dataset.dateparameter': ['DateParameter'],
    'fdi.dataset.stringparameter': ['StringParameter'],
    'fdi.dataset.arraydataset': ['ArrayDataset', 'Column'],
    'fdi.dataset.mediawrapper': ['MediaWrapper'],
    'fdi.dataset.dataset': ['GenericDataset', 'CompositeDataset'],
    'fdi.dataset.tabledataset': ['TableDataset', 'IndexedTableDataset'],
    'fdi.dataset.unstructureddataset': ['UnstructuredDataset'],
    'fdi.dataset.readonlydict': ['ReadOnlyDict'],
    'fdi.pal.context': ['AbstractContext', 'Context',
    'fdi.pal.urn': ['Urn'],
    'fdi.pal.productref': ['ProductRef'],
    'fdi.pal.query':  ['AbstractQuery', 'MetaQuery', 'StorageQuery'],
    # 'fdi.utils.common': ['UserOrGroupNotFoundError'],

Class_Module_Map = dict((c, m)
                        for m, clses in Modules_Classes.items() for c in clses)

[docs]def importModuleClasses(scope=None, mapping=None, exclude=None, ignore_error=False, verbose=False): """ Return of a set of deserializable classes in `initial` map, which is maintained by hand. Do nothing if the classes mapping is already made so repeated calls will not cost more time. Parameters ---------- scope : NoneType, string, list if is a string, take as a class name; (not implemented: If is None, import all classes in `initial` map; if a list, a list of class names.) mapping: mapping A mapping to get module names with class names. For a given key, if `mapping` returns a class object, the object will be the value returned for the key; if `mapping` returns a string, take it as a fully qualified module name and load its member classes; if is a list, take it as a list of module names. exclude : list A list of class names (without '.') that are not to be imported. Default is empty. ignore_error : boolean Importing errors will be logged but otherwise ignored. Default is `False`. Returns ------- dict: Key and load-result pairs. load-result is `.namespace.Load_Failed` if loading of the key was not successful. """ if exclude is None: exclude = [] if scope is None: return {} # elif issubclass(scope.__class__, str): # scope = [scope] if mapping is None: mapping = Class_Module_Map SelectiveMetaFinder.exclude = exclude if exclude or SelectiveMetaFinder.exclude: msg = 'With %s excluded.. and SelectiveMetaFinder.exclude=%s' % ( str(exclude), str(SelectiveMetaFinder.exclude)) logger.debug(msg) res = {} for cl in [scope]: if cl not in mapping: res[cl] = Load_Failed continue module_name = mapping[cl] if isinstance(module_name, type): # no need to load res[cl] = module_name continue # if we cannot find the module we make a class list class_list = Modules_Classes.get(module_name, [cl]) left = [x for x in class_list if x not in exclude] if len(left) == 0: continue msg = 'importing %s from %s...' % (str(class_list), module_name) try: # m = importlib.__import__(module_name, globals(), locals(), class_list) m = importlib.import_module(module_name) except SelectiveMetaFinder.ExcludedModule as e: msg += ' Did not import %s, as %s' % (str(class_list), str(e)) # ety, enm, tb = sys.exc_info() except SyntaxError as e: msg += ' Could not import %s, as %s' % ( str(class_list), str(e)) logger.error(msg) raise except ModuleNotFoundError as e: msg += ' Could not import %s, as %s' % ( str(class_list), str(e)) msg += '*** %s ' % str(sys.path) if ignore_error: msg += ' Ignored.' else: logger.error(msg) raise else: for n in left: res[n] = getattr(m, n) if verbose: else: logger.debug(msg) return res
[docs]def load(key, mapping, remove=True, exclude=None, ignore_error=False, verbose=False): res = importModuleClasses(key, mapping=mapping, exclude=exclude, ignore_error=ignore_error, verbose=verbose ) return res
# add builtins (without any that starts with a '_'. _bltn = dict((k, v) for k, v in vars(builtins).items() if k[0] != '_') All_Globals_Builtins = ChainMap(copy.copy(globals()), _bltn) """A name-class `dict` of all global and builtins.""" All_Exceptions = dict(( (n, e) for n, e in All_Globals_Builtins.items() if issubclass(e.__class__, type) and issubclass(e, Exception))) """A name-class `dict` of all Exceptions."""
[docs]class Classes(metaclass=NameSpace_meta, sources=[Class_Module_Map], extensions=[All_Globals_Builtins], load=load ): """ A dictionary of class names and their class objects that are allowed to be deserialized. An fdi package built-in dictionary is loaded from the module `Class_Module_Map`. Users who need add more deserializable class can for example: """ pass
Class_Look_Up = Classes.mapping