Source code for fdi.dataset.namespace

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

from collections import ChainMap
import sys
import logging
import copy
from functools import lru_cache

if sys.version_info[0] >= 3:  # + 0.1 * sys.version_info[1] >= 3.3:
    PY3 = True
    PY3 = False

# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.debug('level %d' %  (logger.getEffectiveLevel()))

Load_Failed = object()
""" unique object to mark this failure condition."""

[docs]def refloader(key, mapping, remove=True, exclude=None, ignore_error=False): """ Generates key-value pair out of a map containing name-content pairs, by referencing. Subclasses should override this function unless this name space contains the same kind of items in `default` Parameters ---------- key: str name in the key-value pair. mapping : dict a map containing name-content pairs (such as `default`, `initial`). remove : bool if set, remove this pair from the source after loading. exclude : list A list of keys to avoid loading. Default None. ignore_error : boolean Do not throw exception when error happens during loading. Log, set `Load_Failed`, and Move on. Returns ------- dict: key and load-result pairs. load-result is `Load_Failed` if loading of the key was not successful. """ if key in exclude: res = Load_Failed else: res = mapping.get(key, Load_Failed) if remove and res is not Load_Failed: del mapping[key] # return key in the mapping and the load result. return {key: res}
[docs]class NameSpace_meta(type): """ metaclass for name-spaces such as class white list and schemas. Ref 'classproperty'. # """ sources = [{}] """ name-content list from the main package and for plug-in/app.""" def __new__(metacls, clsname, bases, attrs, sources=None, extensions=None, load=None, **kwds): """ Internal map is initialized with `sources`. The internal map is initialized with a `default` and a list of `extension` maps which can be collection of key-value pairs. These maps are put into the `sources` map. However these maps are only the information needed to populate the main map, the target map of namespace. The target namespace is also represented by a collection of key-value pairs but each of them reside in a cache map, and are loaded into the cache map by the `load` function lazily when the key is used. The default `refloader` just copies the reference of the values in the `sources` map by the same name. When looking up a key, the cache maps will be searched left to right. This architecture allows expensive values to be associated with names gradually in a cache in a pay-as-you-need manner. Examples -------- For an app package with many classes: Import user classes in a python file for example .. code-bloc:: clz_map = { 'MyClass1': 'mypackage.mymodule', 'MyClass2': 'mypackage.mymodule' } # from another module defining a dict of # Class_name: Class_obj pairs try: from mypackage.mymodule import pairs except (ImportError, ModuleNotFoundError) as e: raise from fdi.dataset.namespace import NameSpace_meta def loader(): ... class PC(metaclass=NameSpace_meta, sources=[Reverse_Modules_Classes, pairs, clz_map], load=loader ): pass prjcls = PC.mapping new_instance = prjcls['MyClass1'] Define new classes and update `PC`:: class Myclass(): ... PC.update({'foo': MyClass}) and use:: ``new_instance = PC.mapping['foo']`` Parameters ---------- clsname: str Name of the class being defined(Event in this example) bases: tuple Base classes of the constructed class, empty tuple in this case attrs: dict Dict containing methods and fields defined in the class sources: list A list of maps containing the core/platform/framework/primary package namespace and plug-in/application package name spaces. extensions: list A list of key-value maps to extend the `cache`. load: function classmethod to load a key from `initial` of the internal map. kwds: dict member `key`-`val` pairs: `k` will be added to instance-classes' class attributes namespace, initiated to `val` Returns ------- cls new class """ new_cls = super().__new__(metacls, clsname, bases, attrs) if sources is None: sources = metacls.sources if load is None: # defined in this module load = refloader nm = Lazy_Loading_ChainMap(*sources, extensions=extensions, load=load) if kwds: for name, value in kwds.items(): setattr(new_cls, name, value) logger.debug('***maps*** %s' % str(sources)[:300]) new_cls._the_map = nm new_cls.mapping = nm logger.debug("New class made with metaclass %s: _the_map 0x%x, sources %d, initial %d, cache %d. load %s, kwds %s,initial=%s..." % (metacls.__name__, id(nm), len(nm.sources), len(nm.initial), len(nm.cache), str(load)[:300], str(kwds)[:300], str(nm.initial)[:300] )) return new_cls
[docs] def clear(cls): """ Empty the internal mapping including `maps[1:]`. `sources` map is not wiped. """ for m in cls._the_map.maps: m.clear()
[docs] def update(cls, *args, **kwds): """ Updates the mapping. Parameters ---------- c: Mapping to be used to update the main map with. Subclasses that need to load must format key and values as required. Returns ------- dict: The mapping. """ cls._the_map.update(*args, **kwds) return cls._the_map
[docs] def reload(cls): """ re-import classes in the map. """ cls._the_map.reload() return cls._the_map
[docs]class Lazy_Loading_ChainMap(ChainMap): """ A mapping the populates its main storage as needed from source and extension maps. Implementated with a `ChainMap` of a cache, a initial, and an arbitrary number of extension maps. The name (the key) is searched in the cache and, if not found, in other maps on the chain. the `load` function is used to do the loading. """ def __init__(self, *args, extensions=None, load=None, **kwds): if extensions is None: extensions = [] if load is None: load = refloader self.load = load self.extenions = extensions # failed = {} # """ name-content pairs of the unloadable pairs from `default`. """ self.cache = dict() """ for the loaded key-vals. """ self.exclude = list() """exclude : list A list of keys to avoid loading. Default None.""" self.ignore_error = False """ignore_error : boolean Do not throw exception when error happens during loading. Log, set `Load_Failed`, and Move on.""" self.sources = ChainMap(*args, **kwds) self.initial = dict(self.sources) """ This mapping stores name-content pairs that are used to build the main map (the `cache`). It is dict-wrapped `sources`. Example: module_name-classe_names, schema store, configs.""" super().__init__(self.cache, self.initial, *extensions) logger.debug("New LLC %s initialized: _the_map 0x%x sources %d, initial %d, cache %d. extensions %d. initial=%s..." % (self.__class__.__name__, id(self), len(self.sources), len(self.initial), len(self.cache), len(self.extenions), str(self.initial)[:300] )) def __getitem__(self, key): for i, m in enumerate(self.maps): if m is self.initial: loaded = self.load(key, self.initial, remove=True, exclude=self.exclude, ignore_error=self.ignore_error) for k, re in loaded.items(): if re is not Load_Failed: # success. put into cache self.cache[k] = re # is what we look for if k == key: return re else: # ignore to let future calls try. pass # reaching this point means not found in loaded. continue else: # is it excluded? if key in m: if key in self.exclude: logger.debug( 'Find "%s" in map%d but it is excluded.' % (key, i)) return None return m[key] if not self.ignore_error: raise KeyError('Key "%s" not found in any namespace.' % key) return None def __setitem__(self, key, value): if key in self.initial: self.initial.__delitem__(key) self.cache.__setitem__(key, value) return
[docs] def add_ns(self, ns=None, order=0): """ Add new name space in the list of internal ones. Parameters ---------- order: int The number of maps to look up before this one is . If negative, `-n` means the n-th from the last. E.g. `order=-1` means to become the last one. ns: mapping Namespace map to be looked up. """ if ns is None: ns = {} if order == -1: self.maps.append(ns) elif order < -1: self.maps.insert(order+1, ns) else: self.maps.insert(order, ns) return self
[docs] def update(self, c=None, exclude=None, verbose=False, extension=None, ignore_error=False, ): """ Updates the mapping. Parameters ---------- c: mapping to be used to update with. Subclasses that need to load must format key and values as required. exclude: boolean Ignore these keys when updating. extension: mapping add `c` as a new sources map. Returns ------- dict: The mapping. """ if exclude is None: exclude = [] cc = copy.copy(c) if cc: for x in exclude: cc.pop(x, None) if extension: self.sources.maps.insert(0, cc) else: ini = self.initial in_initial = set(cc.keys()) & set(ini.keys()) for i in in_initial: ini.__delitem__(i) self.cache.update(cc) return self
[docs] def reload(self): """ Update the `initial` map with `sources`, empty other maps. Parameters ---------- Returns ------- ChainMap: `self`. """ self.clear() self.initial.update(self.sources) return self