Source code for fdi.dataset.schemas

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-

""" from  reubano"""

from .namespace import NameSpace_meta, refloader
from ..utils.common import find_all_files, trbk

#from jsonschema import Draft7Validator as the_validator
from jsonschema import Draft201909Validator as the_validator
from jsonschema import RefResolver
from jsonschema.exceptions import RefResolutionError

import json
import os
import copy
from collections import ChainMap
import logging
# create logger
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
# logger.debug('level %d' %  (logger.getEffectiveLevel()))

FDI_SCHEMA_BASE = 'https://fdi.schemas'

FDI_SCHEMA_DIR = os.path.abspath(
    os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), '../schemas'))
""" The directory where the schema definition files are stored."""

""" The id-obj map for package-wide schemas. To be updated by `makeSchemaStore` when it runs for the first time."""

[docs]def makeSchemaStore(schema_dir=None, verbose=False): """make a mapping of schema id and schema obj loaded from the given directory. Parameters ---------- schema_dir : str Name of a directory containing schema definitions in JSON files and subdirectories. If is `None` set to `FDI_SCHEMA_DIR`. verbose : bool Say more if set. Returns ------- dict file paths vs. schema objects Raises ------ # raise ValueError """ if schema_dir is None: # make package schemas list schema_dir = FDI_SCHEMA_DIR dirs = find_all_files(schema_dir, verbose=verbose, include='**/*.js*n', exclude=(''), absdir=True) schemas = [] for source in dirs: try: with open(source, 'r') as f: schemas.append(json.load(f)) except json.decoder.JSONDecodeError as e: logger.warning('Cannot load schema %s. No Skipping...' % source) logger.warning(trbk(e)) raise store = dict((schema.get("$id",schema.get("id")), schema) for schema in schemas) return store
[docs]def schema_dir_loader(key, mapping, remove=True, exclude=None, ignore_error=False, verbose=False): """ load all schemas in the given directory and its subdirs. """ if exclude is None: exclude = [] if key is None: return {} res = {} spath, sname = tuple(key.rsplit('/', 1)) family = (x for x in mapping if x not in exclude and x.startswith(spath)) for sch in family: jsn = json.load(sch) if jsn is None: if ignore_error: continue else: raise ValueError(sch) else: res[sch] = jsn del mapping[sch] return res
[docs]class Schemas(metaclass=NameSpace_meta, sources=[makeSchemaStore(FDI_SCHEMA_DIR)], load=refloader ): pass
[docs]def getValidator(schema, schemas=None, schema_store=None, base_schema=None, verbose=False): """ Returns a `jsonschema` validator that knows where to find given schemas. :schema: the schema this validator is made for. :schemas: A map of schema id and schema objects. default is all schemas found in ```schema_store```. If it has '$schema' and '$id' as keys, it will be the lone schema to be validated against by the returned validator. :schema_store: get schemas here if ```schemas``` is ```None```. default is `FDI_SCHEMA_STORE`. :base_schema: A reference schema object providing BaseURI. Default is `schema_store[FDI_SCHEMA_BASE]`, whereas the `schema_store` is made with `FDI_SCHEMA_STORE` and `schemas`. """ if issubclass(schema.__class__, str): schema = json.loads(schema) the_validator.check_schema(schema) if issubclass(schemas.__class__, dict) and '$schema' in schemas and '$id' in schemas: store = {schemas['$id']: schemas} else: if schemas is None: schemas = {} if schema_store is None: schema_store = Schemas.mapping store = schema_store.add_ns(schemas, 0) if schemas else schema_store if verbose: print('Schema store:', list(store)) if base_schema is None: # json.load(open("schema/dir/extend.schema.json")) #resolver = RefResolver(schema['$id'], store=store, referrer=schema) if FDI_SCHEMA_BASE not in store: raise ValueError( 'Base schema is not given and FDI_SCHEMA_BASE %s is not in store.' % FDI_SCHEMA_BASE) base_schema = store[FDI_SCHEMA_BASE] resolver = RefResolver.from_schema(base_schema, store=store) if verbose: print('Schema resolver:', resolver) validator = the_validator(schema, resolver=resolver) return validator
[docs]def validateJson(data, validator): """ validates a JSON object. :data: a JSON object or a _file_full_path that ends with 'json' or 'jsn'. """ if issubclass(data.__class__, str) and \ (data.endswith('.jsn') or data.endswith('.json')): instance = json.load(open(data)) else: instance = data try: errors = sorted(validator.iter_errors(instance), key=lambda e: e.path) except RefResolutionError as e: logger.error(e) return errors
[docs]class Schmas(ChainMap): def __init__(self, **kwds): makeSchemaStore()